
June 20, 2021 "It is a double appeal, the one I address to our friends in the Center-right, to Matteo Salvini and Giorgia Meloni: between now and 2023 we must build that single party that represents the majority of Italians and that gives stability to the center-right government ".

This was said by Silvio Berlusconi, in connection with the Forza Italia convention in Castione della Presolana. 

"I have spoken, and I intend to continue to do so, of the Italian center-right. I speak of the construction of a single party that is a candidate to govern the country", explained Berlusconi, who said he imagined "a proudly Italian center-right, but also proudly European and Western, in which each one brings his identity, his values, his history, but who knows how to speak to the voters with a single voice ".

The leader of FI then recalled: "When I spoke of a single party of the center-right I received a lot of support but also skeptical or doubtful answers. I am not surprised at all, in fact I would say that I am used to it".

For Berlusconi "the function of Forza Italia, our function, is still essential".

The leader urged his parents: "We must not stop looking ahead and also be aware that our country will not emerge from the crisis if it does not know how to thoroughly reform the party system, the system of political representation. Our task is therefore - he continued Berlusconi - to build

a 'republican party' on the American model,

in which the center and the democratic right come together to govern the country. This is an indispensable condition - no less than economic measures - so that Italy can really start again ", he stressed. 

" Up to now the Center-right has shown itself to be united and often successful in electoral occasions, but has not always been able to govern united or remain united in the opposition between one election and another. This would not happen if we were a single party, capable of summarizing different stories and identities without sacrificing any, "he explained.


Precisely for this reason, because no identity should be sacrificed

- he explained - I invite all our Azzurri not to worry: this project does not at all mean the demobilization or liquidation of Forza Italia. On the contrary, we at Forza Italia must strengthen ourselves, organize ourselves even better, extend the search for consensus, knowing that a united Center-Right will be a center-right of government only if our area, the liberal, Christian, pro-European, guarantor soul, is widely and strongly represented ".