• Europe, Draghi: "Growth is back, possible increase in GDP estimate to 4.2%"


June 19, 2021 "The European rules of the stability pact will have to be simplified through the introduction of objectives, targets, clear to be achieved, perhaps differentiated between the states, inviting governments to introduce anti-cyclical policies". This is what the president of Confindustria, Carlo Bonomi affirms, in a video speech at the Italy-Spain Forum held in Barcelona. "We must learn - he said - from the mistakes of the past and introduce a new economic paradigm that can favor recovery". Furthermore, a "permanent budget" of the Eurozone can no longer be postponed. For this the Recovery Plans will be an important test bed. 

EU overcomes the ideological approach to sustainability

The goal of "making the commission overcome a certain ideological attitude in the way in which the issue of sustainability is addressed (...) which must be declined in all aspects, environmental but also economic and social. The issue of competitiveness must be considered central ", says Bonomi, opening the second day of the Italy Spain Forum. "Industrial revolutions have economic and social costs and we need to be clear about these. The European objectives must be accompanied by measures to support companies in the transition process from decarbonisation to the circular economy". "Our companies compete on a global level with actors who do not always share European climate ambitions - he adds -. This risks creating dangerous competitive distortions, weakening theEuropean industry on the global market and create economic depression on entire territories ".