A service to fight against "high-stakes frauds" has been set up within the family allowance funds to investigate these scams, the amount of which is ten times higher than the average.

About thirty controllers, former police officers, gendarmes or even detectives, are currently on several big cases.

Social fraud with RSA, activity bonus and housing aid ... They were assessed last year at 255 million euros, as detected by family allowances.

During the health crisis, the funds have eased their footing on controls, but are now announcing a strengthening of their arsenal for a more effective hunt for large-scale fraud.

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Brigade of former police officers, gendarmes and detectives

Alongside common frauds (non-declaration of certain resources, concealment of the fact that you live as a couple), there are much more sophisticated frauds developed by real professionals. However, for these, the traditional techniques consisting in crossing the files of the taxes, Pôle Emploi and other organizations, are not enough any more. It is therefore necessary to set up specialized teams endowed with cutting-edge skills and capable of working at a larger geographical scale than that of each family allowance fund.

This is what the national family allowances fund (CNAF) has decided to do by setting up a brigade of thirty agents, some of whom are former police officers, former gendarmes, even former detectives who have taken an oath. This brigade is currently on some big business, in particular the approach led by an organized group to make beneficiaries believe, via social networks, that they can obtain benefits when this is not the case. He then asks them for their identifiers and obtains the payment of the services in question by taking a commission in the process.

Among the other cases currently being dealt with, there is also the one concerning an individual who used multiple identities to obtain the payment of benefits by different funds across France. A total of 54 caisses joined in a complaint against this person.