- As long as market rents are on the table, we will vote red regardless of who takes the initiative.

For us, this is very simple;

in the Riksdag, there is only a majority for market rents thanks to the January agreement.

No government, no market rents, says Erik Järvelä, district chairman of V in Fyrbodal.

On Monday, a no-confidence vote will be held on Prime Minister Stefan Löfven.

This after the Left Party's leader Nooshi Dadgostar this morning declared that her party is no longer included in the government documentation.

Stands behind the V-leader

SVT Nyheter has made a tour of the various V-districts.

So far, 13 out of 25 districts have responded, among them Stockholm, Skåne, Gothenburg and Uppsala, and everyone thinks the party leader is acting correctly.

- As Nooshi said today, if KD and M are involved in distrust, then we will vote to bring down Löfven, says Joel Nordkvist, district chairman in Gävleborg.

The Left Party in Gothenburg believes that the responsibility for the government crisis lies with Stefan Löfven.

- If Löfven returns as prime minister, he will not do so with a proposal for market rents.

There is no majority in the Riksdag for a right-wing government led by Ulf Kristersson, except if Annie Lööf would choose to sit in the same government base as SD, says chairman Håkan Eriksson, and continues:

- Should the upcoming process lead to an extra election, we are completely ready for it.

"Hope the government falls"

V in Uppsala believes that there is a serious risk that there will be a government crisis and that Ulf Kristersson will become prime minister - but that the party leadership has made a wise balance.

- This is a chance to stop the proposal.

We hope that the government falls and that we get a new government that does not push through market rents, says the district's chairman Per Markus Risman.

In Skaraborg, V says that they do not want to stand behind a bourgeois-controlled government that pursues a policy that is not socialist and the Left in Stockholm believes that the party has been clear against the Prime Minister:

- We have said that if Löfven presents a proposal for market rents, we will no longer have any confidence in him.

He could have avoided a government crisis by starting negotiations with the Tenants' Association, says Opposition Region Councilor Anna Sehlin to SVT News.

According to Stefan Löfven, the January agreement will be fulfilled and he believes that it is the Left Party that is creating a parliamentary crisis.

- This is not responsible.

What is the Left Party's alternative now?

If you are prepared to take this step then you must also know what the alternative is.

What is the Left Party advocating?