As Agranovsky emphasized, there are situations when it comes to the life and health of people, and "basic freedoms have to be temporarily limited."

“This is the situation now.

The jokes were over.

There is a significant increase in the incidence, including due to new strains of SARS-CoV-2 with increased contagiousness (infectivity) of the British, Indian (delta).

Vaccination is the only way to stop the epidemic.

Our existing Sputnik V and KoviVac vaccines prevent either COVID-19 disease or its severe course.

The more people with antibodies in the population, the less chance of new strains emerging - just less “material” for this, ”the specialist concluded. 

Earlier it was reported that mandatory vaccination against coronavirus of certain categories of citizens is being introduced in Moscow and the Moscow region.

Thus, in the capital, mandatory vaccination has been introduced in the service sector.