As the deputy noted, if Biden "says this sincerely, from the heart, then, of course, there is hope for an improvement in relations."

“People no longer need horror stories, scarecrows on which certain politicians are trying to earn cheap authority.

The population is interested in something completely different today.

We must improve the standard of living and well-being, without trying to unleash any wars or to prove anything to anyone by the presence of nuclear weapons, or by the presence of certain military bases.

If the United States understands this and will meet halfway, then, of course, we hope that we will get out of the Middle Ages in relations.

Today society is waiting for stability, tranquility and peace, ”explained Sherin.

Earlier, Biden said that neither the United States nor Russia has any interest in a new Cold War. 

Also, the presidents of Russia and the United States agreed that Moscow and Washington will launch a comprehensive bilateral dialogue on strategic stability.

The leaders of the two countries stressed that through such a dialogue, they seek to lay the foundation for future arms control and risk mitigation measures.