• Maturity: Bianchi, it will be a real exam, not an emergency one

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April 16, 2021 The fateful night before the exams is a certainty even in the face of a pandemic. It is a night of change of pace, as they say now, in life, but above all because it is the examination of exams. What you will not forget. Maturity 2021 does not open and close on the day of the oral exam, the only test left standing compared to the traditional exam. Indeed, in some ways the exam is already starting these days. To help all graduates, Skuola.net wanted to summarize what students will have to pay attention to much earlier than the date they will sit in front of the professors.

The real novelty is the student's curriculum. For the first time, the graduates will present themselves in front of the commissions 'telling' everything they have done in recent years; not only from a scholastic point of view. The student's curriculum, which has been talked about for some years, has become a reality. It will be attached to the diploma and will have the Europass supplement. The schools will enter most of the information, but the dedicated website - https://curriculumstudente. Formazione.it/ - is also open to children: they will be able to highlight the activities and goals they are proud of, to try , too, to make a good impression on the commission.

Among other things, professors can view the curriculum also to '' draw inspiration '' on the materials to be discussed with the student during the exam. You can indicate: language certifications, extra-curricular activities such as cultural, musical, sporting, artistic and voluntary activities and any other document deemed useful.