The Left Party has previously threatened to try to overthrow the government through a distrust of Prime Minister Stefan Löfven does not back down from the inquiry proposal on a freer rent in new production.

According to information to Sveriges Radio Ekot, the Left Party's party board has a plan for how to act further and now the party leader Nooshi Dadgostar is calling for a press conference at 10 o'clock.

TT experiences that the press conference will be about the threat of mistrust, but the party's press department does not want to confirm the information.

Support from another party is required

In order for a declaration of no confidence to be implemented in the Riksdag, at least 35 members must sign the declaration.

The Left Party thus needs support from another party.

In connection with the presentation of the inquiry into market rents, the Moderates and Christian Democrats stated that they were not interested in helping V to try to overthrow the government in the matter.

If, after all, there were to be a no-confidence vote, at least 175 members must vote for the no-confidence vote in order to overthrow Prime Minister Stefan Löfven.