On June 12, local time, a passenger seat for the first manned flight of the "New Shepard" suborbital vehicle of the American space company Blue Origin, owned by the American billionaire Jeff Bezos, was sold at auction for 28 million U.S. dollars.

The flight is scheduled to depart from the company's West Texas Proving Ground on July 20.

  The identity of the winning bidder was not disclosed.

The winning bidder can fly on the New Shepard by himself or appoint another person to participate in the flight.

  According to previous reports, Blue Origin said that the company's rockets and capsules can send six passengers to suborbits about 100 kilometers above the earth.

At this height, customers can experience weightlessness for a few minutes.

The space capsule has 6 observation windows, and customers can see the earth.

(Produced by Wang Jiayi)

Editor in charge: 【Luo Pan】