From the beginning, it was a mistake on the part of the club.

What was originally a garage was rebuilt into a jiujitsu room without applying for a changed building permit for the business.

Following an anonymous tip, the city planning office caught the eye of the club and now, two years later, the club's latest application to change the detailed plan was rejected.

Politicians agree

Thus, it was in the hands of politicians to save the club from closure.

Håkan Linnarsson, who runs the club Ronin and owns the property, is himself a regional politician for the Social Democrats.

S therefore chose to declare itself unfair in the matter, but it did not matter.

The alliance as well as the opposition parties in the building committee still agreed.

- It is not so common that we all agree, but if it ever happens, I think it should be when it comes to the children, says Hampus Magnusson (M), chairman of the building committee Gothenburg city.