The Social Democrats

The Social Democrats want ISK to be an easy saving for ordinary people.

S has no concrete proposals for changes in the taxation of ISK and wants to safeguard the possibility of building up a buffer or saving for the pension in a simple way.

On the other hand, it is obvious to S that the increased needs we see in welfare will be financed on the basis of the principle of tax according to sustainability.

Then those with the highest capital income can contribute more, including those who today have very high amounts of ISK.

We note that every third krona in ISK is placed with a small group of people who have more than three million kronor.

We will present in the election manifesto what proposals the Social Democrats will go to the polls in 2022. 

The Moderates

Increased private savings have many good effects.

It gives people more freedom to decide over their lives, to build a buffer and to acquire a home.

The fact that the Alliance Government introduced the investment savings account has been important in maintaining savings.

At current interest rates, however, the tax is unnecessarily high through the floor for the investment savings account introduced by the current government.

To further encourage savings, the Moderates want to remove the floor for the investment savings account.

By 2021, they had meant that the tax on savings via the investment savings account had been reduced by a quarter. 

The Sweden Democrats

A savings capital means freedom.

A freedom to change in the middle of life, a freedom to travel and see the world but also the opportunity to be able to leave a destructive relationship.

The state should therefore to a large extent encourage the population to save.

The investment savings account has been an excellent measure, with over three million inhabitants now using the form of savings.

It is easy to understand, easy to use and easy to administer.

In addition, ISK creates stable income for the state because the tax is paid regardless of whether the stock market goes up or down. Instead of raising the tax on ISK, we want to reduce it by 0.25 percentage points, which corresponds to a reduction of about 20 percent with current government loan interest rates. 

The Christian Democrats

ISK is a simple and clear form of savings that has facilitated saving and ownership for ordinary people, and has almost become popular.

It is also, for many, part of the long-term savings for retirement.

KD safeguards - even after the next election - the opportunity for small savers to continue to be able to take part in the value development on the stock exchange in a simple way, without sharp deteriorations and restrictions via a ceiling.

We have been critical of the government's tax increases on ISK in recent terms, and are open to lowering the tax again - not least if the government loan interest rate were to rise.

We also have proposals to broaden the form of savings so that new issues and listings that contain both new and old shares are also covered.

Today, savers in ISK cannot participate in these.

Deterioration of ISK would also risk affecting companies' capital needs. 

The Liberals

The Liberals were the driving force when the bourgeois government in 2012 introduced the ISK.

We are proud of that.

We want to encourage more people to save, not penalize those who already do.

Instead of raising the tax on savings in ISK, we want to be able to save up to SEK 100,000 without paying any tax on the return.

In this way, we want to send a clear signal to more people that it should pay to take responsibility for the future.

Today, far too many Swedes lack a financial buffer for unforeseen expenses. 

The Green

Party The


Party wants to make capital taxation more progressive in order to reduce the economic gaps, but ISK is not among the taxes we have looked at so far.

It is good that there is a favorable form of savings that is available to many.


Among other things, the Center Party wants to tax exempt the first SEK 150,000 on ISK savings.

C also wants to remove the interest floor on which the tax on ISK accounts is based.

At present, the interest rate cannot go below 1.25 percent, but without the floor, the interest rate would have been 0.9 percent last year. 

The Left Party

SVT Nyheter has contacted the Left Party and is waiting for an answer.