If the child is poisoned by taking medicine by mistake, this is the first aid

   In addition, medicine is medicine, don’t coax your child into sweet water

  Recently, the pediatric emergency department received several consecutive cases of children with depression who were poisoned by overdose of antidepressants.

There were also reports before: Some children mistakenly used antihypertensive drugs and hypoglycemic drugs for adults as "sugar" and shared them with other children, causing acute drug poisoning.

Acute poisoning is the most common pediatric critical illness in children, and it can occur in children of all ages.

So what should I do if my child is poisoned by dosage form drugs?

Let me introduce the specific treatment methods.

  Take the medicine and packaging and seek medical attention immediately

  What should I do if I find that my child is acutely poisoned by drugs?

Don't panic!

Parents need to quickly identify the child’s symptoms of poisoning, and check the amount of medicine taken, toxicity and time of mistaking.

Check the child's current situation, and ask about medicines or poisons taken by mistake according to the child's situation.

If you are not sure, you should take the package containing the medicine or poison, the medicine instruction sheet, and the patient's vomit excrement together to the hospital for examination, and take corresponding measures according to the mistakenly ingested medicine or poison.

  Three ways to reduce the absorption of poisons

  Induction of vomiting is the easiest and fastest way to get rid of poisons in the stomach.

If the child is taking drugs that are highly toxic and cannot be guaranteed to receive professional care in a short time, he should induce vomiting as soon as possible to reduce the absorption of poisons under the premise of maintaining stable vital signs.

Parents can stimulate the child's throat with a finger or a tongue depressor to let the child spit out things.

If there is no vomit in the child's stomach, let the child drink a lot of warm water to stimulate the child's throat and make him vomit.

  This method is simple and easy to implement, and it can be implemented without professional first aid.

However, it should be noted that the induction of vomiting is only suitable for patients who have been poisoned for a short time and are conscious. It is safest to use warm water to induce vomiting.

When the patient has coma, convulsions, shock, severe heart disease, pulmonary edema, gastrointestinal bleeding, as well as strong acid, strong alkalosis and no vomiting ability, it is contraindicated to induce vomiting.

  Gastric lavage is the most thorough way to eliminate poisons in the stomach.

When time and medical resources allow, the sooner gastric lavage is possible, the better.

The morning and evening of gastric lavage and whether it is thorough have a great relationship with the prognosis of poisoned children. Generally, the best effect is performed within 4 to 6 hours of ingestion of the poison.

  Before gastric lavage, it should be determined whether there are contraindications for gastric lavage, such as: coma, gastric lavage can cause suffocation or aspiration pneumonia; strong corrosive poisoning may cause esophagus and gastric perforation; shock patients whose blood pressure has not been corrected; digestive tract malformations Or those with bleeding.

  Promote the excretion of absorbed poisons. If the child just takes some medicines with lower toxicity and the amount is not large, such as antiseptic, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, and nutrient cardiomyopathy, you can give the child more warm water to promote the medicine It is excreted through the kidneys, and pay attention to the child's vital signs and mental changes.

If the drug has strong hepatotoxicity, nephrotoxicity, or has a greater impact on the function of each system, it is necessary to give a certain antidote to the drug to promote its excretion.

  Teach you four ways to prevent children from taking drugs by mistake

  1. Parents should put medicines that are likely to cause children's poisoning to be difficult to find or reach, and do not put medicines or toxic materials for external use in beverage bottles or food packaging bottles.

Parents of children should read the instructions carefully or strictly follow the doctor's advice before taking the medicine. Adults should not give the child the medicine casually.

Pay attention to the daily care of children to prevent accidental ingestion.

  2. Do not say that the medicine is sugar water to coax the baby to eat, otherwise the baby will easily take the medicine by mistake and cause drug poisoning.

  3. Communicate with children more often and tell them stories about prevention of poisoning or accidental poisoning.

In particular, parents of children with depression should accompany the children more and strengthen the management of their children's antidepressant drugs.

  4. Parents should learn the emergency treatment of children's acute poisoning, and actively carry out self-help and mutual rescue.

Acute drug poisoning is unpredictable and turbulent. It is necessary to take correct and effective measures to expel the poison as soon as possible. Under the premise of minimal damage to the child, try to reduce the damage to the body by the poison as much as possible, and maintain the function of breathing, circulation and various organs.

  Text/Zhao Yanli

  Wu Jun (Peking University Shougang Hospital)