• Coronavirus, Civil Protection publishes the declassified minutes of the Cts

  • Alzano and Nembro, on March 3 Cts proposed a red zone for the two municipalities


June 09 2021 Thirty days in which everything changed. From the first meetings, when the word pandemic was not yet on the front pages of the newspapers, to that of the day on which the hospitalization of 'patient one', the 38-year-old from Codogno, was announced: the reports from the coronavirus task force relating to the period 22 January-21 February 2020. The Lazio TAR established the publication of all documents relating to the meetings with a sentence published on 7 May last, which upheld the appeal of the deputy Brothers of Italy Galeazzo Bignami, who had been denied access to the documents.

The ministerial task force, as indicated in the minutes of the session of January 21 and made known at the time with a press release, was established with the task of "coordinating every initiative relating to the Coronavirus 2019-nCoV". Permanently operational, it met daily and was made up of: the Directorate General for Prevention, the other competent Directorates, the Carabinieri dei Nas, the ISS, the National Institute for Infectious Diseases Lazzaro Spallanzani, the Maritime, Air and Border Health Offices, by the AIFA, by the Agenas and by the diplomatic adviser.

Early February 2020: "Virus does not circulate in Europe"

At the beginning of February 2020, experts believed that the SarsCov2 infection was limited to China and that there was no circulation of the virus in Italy and Europe. In addition, at the meeting of 6 February 2020, the Higher Institute of Health indicates that "there is no transmission of the virus before the onset of symptoms" and suggests that "a plan be prepared to implement intensive care places in the event that there is was an epidemic in our country ".

February 15, 2020: Update the pandemic plan

The need to update the national pandemic plan developed in the 2009 influenza pandemic was first noted on February 15, 2020. The problem was highlighted by Francesco Paolo Maraglino, from the Ministry's Prevention department. "Dr. Maraglino - reads the minutes of the meeting - highlights the need to update the National Plan for the preparation and response to an influenza pandemic, dating back to 2009".