• Mottarone: investigation of technical checks, new inspection by experts

  • Mottarone tragedy.

    Broken cable: among the hypotheses the excessive use of 'forks'

  • Mottarone: investigation by the prosecutor for accidents on Alpyland, a slope managed by Nerini


07 June 2021 This morning in full bad weather the

new inspection

ordered by the Verbania prosecutor's office regarding the investigation into the massacre of 23 May, which cost the lives of 14 people. The expert appointed by the prosecutor is Giorgio Chiandussi.

Among the objectives is to understand the reasons why the rope broke and to analyze the possible displacement of the collapsed cabin. 

At the end of the inspection with the firefighters it was decided that 'We will try to remove the cabin of the cable car that has fallen on the slopes of Mottarone in a single block, taking it with a helicopter. If this is not possible, it could be cut in half before moving it. '

'The operation involves several phases - explains Captain Luca Geminale, commander of the Company of the Carabinieri of Verbania - for which a program will be drawn up by the fire brigade, which will be submitted to the Public Prosecutor ".

Meanwhile, the definition

of the criminal proceedings



: the prosecutor of Verbania, Olimpia Bossi, and the prosecutor Laura Carrera have deposited to the investigating magistrate Donatella Banci Buonamici the determinations concerning the probative incident: if it were to be carried out, "it would irreversibly jeopardize the conduct of the investigation activities" aimed at identifying any co-responsible for the tragedy of the Mottarone cable car. The magistrates ask for the inadmissibility or rejection of the request made by the defense of the head of the cable car service Gabriele Tadini, the lawyer Marcello Perillo, on which the investigating judge should decide by today. 

In the meantime, the reassignment of the proceedings on the tragedy of Mottarone which goes to the investigating judge Elena Ceriotti absent at the time of signing the arrest and "holder of the role by table" that had been hired by the president of the Gip office Donatella Banci Buonamici as alternate for the validation of the detention.

The measure was signed today because on 31 May the exemption from the functions of Judge Ceriotti ended, and she returned to service.