CDU politicians in Saxony-Anhalt feel abandoned by their party.

There is great anger about the statements made by party colleague Marco Wanderwitz, the federal government's Eastern Commissioner.

"We don't get any tailwind from Berlin, and then that too," said the parliamentary manager of the CDU parliamentary group in the state parliament of Saxony-Anhalt, Markus Kurz, of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung (FAS).

The state will vote this Sunday.

However, voter interest is less than it was four years ago.

The State Statistical Office announced a preliminary voter turnout of 22.4 percent at noon.

In 2016, 25 percent had already cast their vote at the same time.

According to recent surveys, a head-to-head race between the CDU and the AfD is emerging.

The outcome of the election is eagerly awaited nationwide, because it is the last state election before the federal election in September.

East Germans "socialized by dictatorship"

Kurz reports that in the street election campaign he was often criticized about the latest remarks by Wanderwitz.

“I can only tell people that I don't understand.

I expect the Eastern Commissioner to unite and not divide. "

Wanderwitz had said in the FAZ podcast that people in East Germany were partly "socialized in a form of dictatorship" and had not arrived in democracy.

The Saxon CDU member of the Bundestag has been Parliamentary State Secretary in the Federal Ministry of Economics and Eastern Commissioner since last year.

Wanderwitz doesn't want to take anything back

CDU man Kurz from Magdeburg describes Wanderwitz 'admission as "arrogant instruction", which for him is also an expression of a more fundamental problem.

The federal CDU shows too little sympathy and support.

His group colleagues jokingly circulated the idea of ​​placing an advertisement with the text "Despite Berlin won!" In the event of an election victory.

Kurz praised "our Chancellor", who Wanderwitz had contradicted, for speaking up.

Wanderwitz himself doesn't want to take anything back. He told the FAS that he was also getting a lot of encouragement. The discussion about his statements is currently over for him: “The election result for Reiner Haseloff will be very good.” He also described his relationship with Chancellor Angela Merkel as good.