Candidate Jun-seok Lee, who ran for the People's Power Party, started to rise as a young politician of the Democratic Party of Korea, emphasizing the necessity of nurturing young talents to oppose them.

It seems that he has repeatedly raised the justification that he should become the party's leader by emphasizing the potential of his opponents, young ruling party politicians, and expressing his vigilance against attacks by middle-class candidates who point out their lack of experience and age against him.

Candidate Lee gave favorable comments on SNS today (6th), enumerating the strengths of the 2030 politicians of the ruling party one by one, saying, "Rep. Jang Kyung-tae is confident, Rep. Kim Nam-guk is sincerity, Supreme Commissioner Park Seong-min is expressiveness, and Supreme Commissioner Lee Dong-hak is action.

Rep. Kim was then evaluated as “a person who studies and prepares diligently on all matters” and, as to Rep. Jang, “is well versed in the political party and full of confidence through his long-standing political activities.”

"There are times when it seems that the Moon administration is shoveling a shovel to defend it because the line setting of the Moon Jae-in government is wrong," he said. "If the Moon administration comes to their senses, the government changes, or they set up only the presidential candidate correctly, they will no longer make mistakes in the Moon administration. You can turn into a scary subject because you don't have to defend it."

Candidate Lee asked, "The young politicians of the Democratic Party are far superior in numbers." "After the convention, who will be in our party who can go against those figures of the Democratic Party to discover and continue to lead young people's issues?" .

He also said, "I'm concerned that opponents' comments about 'can a young person do it?' are constantly being broadcast throughout the national convention. We have to let it go,” he said. 

(Photo = Yonhap News)