One city is full of spring and half city is full of flowers, and waves are coming to the sea.

When you walk into Xiamen, Fujian, you can always meet the beautiful scenery: Gulangyu tree shadows and flowers; Yundang Lake is beautiful and beautiful, with white egrets flying; Wuyuan Bay has the same sea and sky, and fishes are shallow.

Even the unnamed "Pocket Park" is exquisite and unique and beautiful.

The United Nations Habitat Award, International Garden City, National Forest City, National Ecological City... Many "green laurels" have been in Xiamen, and they deserve it.

  In addition to the good ecology, Xiamen's development report card is also eye-catching-with a land area of ​​1.4% of Fujian Province, Xiamen created 14.5% of the province's GDP and nearly 50% of the total value of foreign trade imports and exports. Last year, the per capita GDP exceeded 2 Ten thousand U.S. dollars.

At the same time, the water quality compliance rate of major river basins has maintained 100% for many years, and the ecological civilization index ranks among the top in the country.

  In September 2017, General Secretary Xi Jinping praised during his attendance at the BRICS Business Forum in Xiamen: "Looking up is a fresh blue, and looking around is a pleasant green." "Today's Xiamen has developed into a high-quality innovation and entrepreneurship. With the rapid development of new economy and new industries, trade and investment go hand in hand, and sea, land, and air transportation reach the five continents. Today, Xiamen is also a city of high-value ecological gardens, where man and nature coexist harmoniously."

  I don't know how difficult it is.

The people of Xiamen are well aware of the hard-won “good looks”. When talking about changes in the ecological environment, one must start with the management of Yundang Lake 33 years ago.

In March 1988, Comrade Xi Jinping, then member of the Standing Committee of the Xiamen Municipal Party Committee and Executive Deputy Mayor, presided over a special meeting to determine a strategy for the management of the lake and initiate the transformation of Yundang Lake.

  After more than 30 years, Xiamen City has worked for a long time, drawing a blueprint to the end, and the black and smelly Yundang Lake in the past has changed into a new face, and now it has become the "city meeting room" and the "new business card" of Xiamen.

  A lake and clear waters condense the changes in Xiamen's development concepts and development methods, and witnessed the vivid practice of ecological civilization construction.

Instead of following the old road of "pollution first, treatment later", start a tough battle for the treatment of Yundang Lake

  Yundang Lake was once a natural haven.

The bay is long and slender, like arms, from west to east, holding Xiamen Island.

The fishing boats docked at night and the lights stretched out.

"My favorite is that the moon is slanting and the tide is backward, and the river is full of fishing fires." "Yundang fishing fires" is one of the famous "Old Eight Scenic Spots" in Xiamen.

  In the 1970s, Xiamen sought land from the sea, built embankments to enclose the lake, and Yundang Port became Yundang Lake.

  The dike was built to block the water system.

Next, surrounding factories rose up along the lake, and the water quality of the lake deteriorated sharply.

"At that time, there were 125 enterprises on both sides of the lake, including paper mills, tanneries, wineries, electrochemical plants...Industrial sewage and domestic sewage were discharged together, and Yundang Lake was gradually overwhelmed." He Boxing, director of the Xiamen Municipal Bureau of Ecology and Environment, introduced.

  Bai Zhipeng, a resident living by the lake, recalled the scene of the year and couldn't help sighing: "Walking on the shore, the smell on my body will not dissipate for a long time." The water in Yundang Lake is dark all year round, and the residents even figured out the "rules".

Old Bai smiled bitterly: "The sewage discharged from the chemical plant is bubbling with white bubbles; if it is the same color as soy sauce, 80% of it is sewage from the brewery and rubber factory..."

  Sewage flows across the land, garbage is everywhere, mosquitoes and flies breed, and fish and shrimps are extinct. In the early 1980s, Yundang Lake became a daunting smelly lake.

  The black and smelly lake water stung the "nerves" of Xiamen people, and the management of Yundang Lake became the most anticipated thing for the masses.

  "It's not that I haven't thought about treatment, but interception, dredging, and construction of sewage treatment plants are not hard bones? Pollution control is too difficult!" Zhang Yihe, then deputy director of the Xiamen Public Utilities Bureau, said frankly.

  In fact, since 1984, the pollution interception program has been implemented, and the progress is very slow.

"At that time, Xiamen had just established a special economic zone. I couldn't wait to split the money into two and spend it. How can there be extra money for pollution control?" Zhang Yihe said.

  The pollution problem of Yundang Lake was exactly a development issue facing Xiamen at that time: Is it necessary to exchange economic growth at the cost of the ecological environment, and how to balance development and protection?

  During his work in Xiamen, Comrade Xi Jinping had a clear understanding of this issue after in-depth investigation and thinking:

  "I'm from the north, and I feel very precious to every grass and stone in Xiamen."

  "Xiamen belongs to the motherland and the nation. We should attach great importance to it, cherish it, and protect it. This must be done as a strategic task."

  "Can we use partial destruction to carry out other constructions? I think it is very clear that Xiamen cannot exchange this price for other developments."

  In tackling the most difficult "hard bones", the management of Yundang Lake ushered in a turning point.

  On March 30, 1988, the Xiamen Municipal Government held a special meeting on "Comprehensive Treatment of Yundang Lake".

Comrade Xi Jinping, then member of the Standing Committee of the Xiamen Municipal Party Committee and Executive Deputy Mayor, presided over the meeting.

  Turning over the retained meeting minutes, the content is not long. From strengthening leadership to managing the lake according to law, from guaranteeing funds to determining the lake management plan, to requesting the support of various departments, there are five items in total, but they are concise and straightforward, pointing to the key points and highlighting the governance. Lake determination--

  In response to the problem of "Jowloon Water Control", the meeting proposed that "the mayor personally control the lake".

"High-ranking promotion, comprehensive management, and one goal to the end. This is the essence of today's river and lake long system." He Boxing said.

  In response to the problem of lake management funds, the meeting clarified that "the municipal finance will allocate 10 million yuan each year for this year and next year."

"It was not a small amount to spend 10 million yuan that year. It is equivalent to 1/10 of the city's annual infrastructure investment, which is more than the sum of the investment in the previous ten years." Zhang Yihe said excitedly.

  After that special meeting, Xiamen City established the Yundang Lake Management Leading Group.

A tough battle to manage Yundang Lake has since kicked off.

  "It seems that this is really moving now." Zhang Yihe felt at the time: "The spring of Yundang Lake's governance is here!"

System governance, work for a long time, draw a blueprint to the end

  There are many things to do in the treatment of the lake, where do you start?

  Comrade Xi Jinping’s creative thinking on lake management is summarized as a 20-character guideline—"Lake management according to law, pollution interception treatment, dredging and bank building, invigorating water bodies, and beautifying the environment".

  "There are rules to follow in the management of the lake. All departments are linked and the waterfront is governed together. Three years will definitely make Yundang Lake a big change!" Zhang Yihe said, everyone had a bottom line, and then issued a military order.

  Govern the lake in accordance with the law to escort comprehensive management.

  In September 1988, the Xiamen Municipal People's Congress passed a motion on "Accelerating the Comprehensive Renovation of Yundang Lake", which clarified the principles and direction of the management of Yundang Lake.

  Sewage interception treatment removes the "root disease" for the water quality of the lake area.

  "At that time, 45% of the city's industrial sewage and 50% of the domestic sewage were discharged into Yundang Lake. To achieve the initial goal of "basically not smelling the lake", the source of pollution must first be controlled." said Xie Tianhong, director of the Xiamen Municipal Engineering Center. .

  Xie Tianhong, who participated in the pollution interception work in the early stage, said frankly at the time: “125 polluting companies on both sides of the strait, 14 major polluters, and some factories discharge sewage COD (chemical oxygen demand) more than 50 times higher than domestic sewage.” According to governance. According to the plan, Xie Tianhong and his colleagues surveyed the discharge of each household, sampled the sewage outlets one by one, focused on the key points, focused on the big households, should shut down, relocate, and change.

  "Taking control of the sewage, the odor suddenly became lighter." Xie Tianhong was impressed. In December 1991, the last sewage from the MSG plant was incorporated into the pipe network. Only a week later, the water quality of Yundang Lake began to improve.

  Dredging silt and building a bank will radically cure the "stubborn disease" of Yundang Lake.

  "Pollutants have been deposited over the years, the silt is unclear, and the water quality is difficult to guarantee." Hao Songqiao, the first director of the Yundang Lake Management Office, said that for the first large-scale dredging, excavators and dredging boats were driven together. On the shore, the island in the center of the lake is piled up, which not only improves the water quality of Yundang Lake, but also greatly enhances the ability of flood prevention.

  Invigorate the water body and let Yundang Lake unblock the "meridians".

  Xiamen does not follow the rules, but uses the tide difference to connect the lake and the sea.

The sluices are repaired on the seawall to receive water when the tide is high, and drain when the tide is low; another diversion dike is built to guide the water circulation-the original stagnant water in the lake will "live" like this.

Hao Songqiao said: "The storage capacity of Yundang Lake is about 3.6 million cubic meters, and the water intake of the tide gate can reach 1.3 million cubic meters a day, and a water cycle can be completed in three days."

  Beautify the environment, and ecological governance has long-term effects.

  In order to restore the water ecology, starting from 1999, mangroves have been planted on the edge of Yundang Lake.

With the gradual expansion of the planting area, the marine ecosystem is rejuvenated, and water birds are playing on the branches again.

  The pulse is accurate, the prescription is correct, and the results are immediate.

After three years of hard work, Yundang Lake completed the first phase of comprehensive management and achieved the goal of "basically not smelling the lake". The water quality is good, the egret is back, and Xiamen's "Egret Island" is finally worthy of its name.

  In 1992, a long-lost dragon boat race was ushered in on Yundang Lake. With the sound of gongs and drums, the racers rushed to the waves and the people on both sides of the strait were crowded.

Zhang Yihe was very pleased: "This is the best test of the results of lake management."

  Treating the lake is not a day's work.

After more than 30 years, Xiamen City continued to promote the management of Yundang Lake, one after another, and the general manager is still the 20-character policy-"Lake management according to law, sewage treatment, dredging and bank building, invigorating water bodies, and beautifying the environment."

  No reduction in investment.

"Yundang Lake has implemented four phases of comprehensive management, and the municipal finance has invested a total of 1.13 billion yuan, with an average annual investment of more than 35 million yuan." Wei Daojun, director of the Yundang Lake Conservation Center, introduced.

  Don't slack in pollution control.

All industrial enterprises in the lake area have been shut down and relocated, the sewage pipe network has been improved day by day, and the water circulation capacity has been continuously improved... From the initial goal of "the lake is basically not smelly", to today "the sewage does not enter the lake on a sunny day".

  Keep dredging files.

On average, Yundang Lake undergoes major dredging every 10 years. Over the past 30 years, it has dredged 4.7 million cubic meters of silt and built slopes for 14 kilometers, which greatly reduced soil erosion around the lake area.

  The beautification does not stop.

7 species of mangrove plants are planted in Yundang Lake area, with a cumulative planting area of ​​about 26,000 square meters.

The biodiversity of Yundang Lake is becoming more and more abundant.

In recent years, 63 species of swimming organisms, 123 species of phytoplankton, 73 species of zooplankton and 14 species of benthos have been discovered in the lake area.

  For more than 30 years, governance and protection have always moved in the same direction.

From the "Administrative Measures on Yundang Lake" promulgated by the Xiamen Municipal Government in 1988, to the later upgraded version of the "Administrative Measures on Yundang Lake in Xiamen City", to the implementation of local regulations "Administrative Measures on Yundang Lake District in Xiamen City", Yundang Lake Every time governance is pushed forward, there is an escalating system escort, which has realized the transformation from point to surface, from underwater to shore, from single governance to joint governance.

  "Comprehensive rectification on the one hand, and customized red line on the other. If it is not clear from the beginning to'administer the lake according to law' and implement'systematic treatment', the results of lake management will be difficult to continue to consolidate." Zhang Yihe sighed.

From ecological model to "high-value ecological garden city", we insist that green development is not relaxed

  The transformation of Yundang Lake is an ecological model and a window.

Through this window, one can see the ecological consciousness of Xiamen's green development.

  Xiamen people say that the ecological wealth left to Xiamen by Comrade Xi Jinping is far more than one Yundang Lake.

  In the early days of the Xiamen Special Economic Zone, Pepsi was waiting for it.

The "1985-2000 Xiamen Economic and Social Development Strategy" compiled under the leadership of Comrade Xi Jinping clearly puts forward the target positioning of Xiamen's development.

  "This development strategy is the first 15-year economic and social development strategic plan compiled by all parts of the country. The most valuable thing is that it has a special topic on ecological and environmental issues, and good ecology is regarded as an important part of Xiamen's development strategy. The goal is not only unprecedented in Xiamen's history, but also a precedent in the country." Zheng Jinmu, then deputy director of the Xiamen City Planning Commission, recalled.

  One outline and ten thousand eyes.

Ecological civilization has changed from "subordinate position" to "main position". From the 1.6 square kilometers Yundang Lake to the 1,699 square kilometers Xiamen city, green development runs through all aspects and the entire process of economic and social development.

  The control of sand and mountains continued to exert force.

Since 2002, the entire island of Xiamen has been "closing hills for reforestation" and closing all sand and gravel plants.

As of the end of last year, Xiamen had completed the ecological restoration of the geological environment of 8 mines in the "three districts and two lines", comprehensively managing the soil erosion area of ​​10,000 mu, and the city's soil erosion rate dropped to 5.44%.

  Planting and protecting green are consistent.

The land and the gold of Xiamen is not just piercing, but piercing the green. The "pocket park" and "pocket park" are carved in the big park. Urban residents can walk to a park in 15 minutes.

Today, the city's forest coverage rate reaches 41.72%, and the per capita park green area is 15.6 square meters. The lakeside wandering around the lake, the water and the greenery, and the scenery at every step, make the people seductive.

  It's not just cities that are green.

Along the Zhuangyuan Mountain, there are 72 bends around the mountain, and the Manshan tea garden is lush, deep in the clouds and fog, there are the military camp village and the Baijiaoci village in the Tongan District.

  On April 7, 1986, Comrade Xi Jinping came to the two most remote mountain villages in Xiamen.

After careful investigation and investigation, in view of the actual development of mountain villages, Comrade Xi Jinping put forward the development idea of ​​"wearing a hat on the mountain and developing under the mountain" according to local conditions, namely planting trees on the mountain, planting fruit and tea under the mountain, and developing diversified operations.

  Nowadays, the hat on the mountain is put on, and the public welfare forest covers an area of ​​4,100 mu.

The industries under the mountain have also been developed. The military camp village develops 6,500 acres of tea gardens, and the Baijiaoci village has an area of ​​3,500 acres.

The villagers in the military camp have a high tree foot and returned to their hometown to set up a Hengli tea factory, promote green planting and purchase orders, and drive 800 tea farmers in the surrounding villages to become rich.

Today's military camp and Baijiaoci Village have beautiful mountains and clear waters and the fragrance of tea has become a popular place for Xiamen citizens to check in.

  “Growing tea, fruit, and farming, the villagers have eaten'ecological rice'. Last year, the per capita income exceeded 40,000 yuan.” said Yang Mingfu, secretary of the Party branch of Baijiaoci Village. Silver Mountain!"

  Ecological advantages have become development advantages.

The Yundang Lake area "vacates the cage to change the bird" and introduces a large number of headquarters economy and modern service industry enterprises to become Xiamen's iconic administrative, financial, commerce, tourism, and residential center.

  Xiamen insists that green development will not relax, and the new momentum is getting stronger and stronger.

Accelerating industrial digitization and digital industrialization, Xiamen has created a new generation of information technology industry system that gathers "core-screen-end-soft-intelligence-network", and the new economy is growing rapidly; the number of effective invention patents per 10,000 people is about 38. 2.4 times the national average.

In 2020, the city's digital economy will reach 365 billion yuan, accounting for 57% of GDP, and residents' digital life satisfaction ranks third in the country.

  The management of Yundang Lake has not stopped.

Right now, a new round of treatment has begun again-implement source rain and sewage diversion transformation, and strive to achieve the goal of "no sewage into the lake on rainy days"; dredging machinery has entered the site to explore a normalized cleaning mechanism; the tide gate continues to expand to allow water The systemic circulation is more powerful... "The changes are inseparable, and we are still advancing in accordance with the 20-character lake management policy of the year." said Zhan Yanqing, director of the Xiamen Municipal Bureau of Landscape Architecture.

  Xiamen's green development step is firmer.

"Practice has fully proved that a good ecological environment is Xiamen’s greatest development advantage and precious wealth. We must adhere to Xi Jinping’s ecological civilization thought as a guide, unswervingly promote green and low-carbon development, and continue to write a high-value ecological garden on the new journey. A new chapter in the city!" said the person in charge of Xiamen City.

  Our reporter Zhao Yongping Yan Ke and Wang Hao