Via social media, many have contacted Sara with pictures of curtains they have seen in desolate houses around the country.

We've probably all seen them.

The sun-bleached, thin-worn curtains in the country's desolate house.

For the weaver Sara Kånåhols on Öland, the curtains are a great interest and they tell a lot about who it was who once lived in the house and hung up those curtains.

- It is a great symbolic value in curtains, it is not just about keeping sunlight out and preventing transparency.

They also show a little of your class affiliation and what time period you were a mother, says Sara Kånåhols who has taken the great interest in desolate houses one step further.

In the clip above you can see examples of curtains from desolate houses.

Get photos on curtains

The curtains that hang in the abandoned houses are Sara Kånåhol's great interest.

Some time ago, she enlisted the help of social media to bring in photos and stories about desolate house curtains.

Sara herself has posted photos on desolate house curtains she has seen and the response she has met has been great.

She has received photos of desolate house curtains from many different places.

And with the photos, a lot of emotions.

- The desolate house curtains are a memory of people we do not know, she says.

And why do the curtains remain, when the houses are abandoned?

- It is a rather difficult question, I think it can happen when the move takes place quickly or when it is someone other than the person who lived there who carries out the move, she says.

Clear curtains with cavities

Do the desolate house curtains in Norrbotten differ from those on Öland?

- Not much, it is the same kind of curtains that recur, especially the sheer curtains with some cavities and dots.

They are found all over the country and are exciting in that way.

Since Sara is a weaver by profession, she intends to study the curtains so that she can weave them up again and thus give them a new life again.