The consumer today is much more

rational and committed

. Choose companies that minimize their environmental impact and fight for a fairer world, especially when it comes to transcendental issues, such as insurance. That is why

DKV has just presented Planeta Salud

, its own initiative against climate change until 2030. A strategy with a dozen objectives achievable in a given period, explains Josep Santacreu, CEO of DKV, with the aim of "being the

first insurer climate-positive country


To do this, it is intended to offset all the emissions generated by the company since its creation in 1932. "It is about calculating and helping to reduce the emissions generated by our stakeholders; developing innovative products, solutions and services in the face of climate change; planting at least one million trees by 2030; promote entrepreneurs and


working on environmental health solutions;

support science in disseminating research on the impact of climate change

on health; combat misinformation and

fake news

on science, health and climate change;

to introduce the climatic impact and the environmental vector in the calculation of our health insurance risk, and to set environmental and climatic objectives for all DKV executives ", says the spokesperson.

The only possible solution

DKV does not want to stay only in the challenge of zero emissions: it wants to go further, Santacreu slides.

"We are already ZeroCO2 and we have offset our emissions since 2007, but we want to contribute more to the planet and that is why we will be climate-positive."

What does it consist of?

"There is no other option because

the place where we live directly affects our body and our mind

and not everyone is aware of it. However, what they do know is that who can change that place is us, the ones who live in he".

Some of the reasons why the company has been encouraging the fight against climate change for years are health activism, as there is no better time than now to be aware of this.

"Healthy behaviors and habits are impossible in a polluted environment

, which affects the air we breathe, the food we eat, the noise when we need to sleep, the stress in cities ...".

At DKV they are aware that immersing yourself in green and blue spaces has a positive impact on health.


We need to recover biodiversity now to avoid future pandemics

and environmental sustainability must be the first obligation of society and companies," explains the CEO.

Activism: raise awareness and take action

Since 2004, DKV has reduced its operational footprint by 82.08%. "We have been

a positive footprint since 2019 and 100% of our electricity in Spain comes from renewable sources

." They also want to offset the operational footprint since DKV is in Spain in 1998 to offset it. "By 2030 we will have planted 1,000,000 trees because we have to recover our country's forests and reforest the planet to absorb the CO2 that is leading us to the climate crisis."

In addition, it has incorporated the environmental discourse into its products and services.

DKV Seguros is the only insurer in Spain that offers an ecological


insurance, Santacreu details: "An ecofuneral is

a funeral service that seeks to minimize the environmental footprint

of the products and services involved in a funeral to have the minimum impact on the environment. For example, using certified and

environmentally friendly

materials such

as reminders on recycled paper or biodegradable urns are a good alternative to conventional products. "

A responsible vision

Another of his specific actions focuses on the home.

"In addition to providing extensive

protection coverage for the home and family assets

against the risks that may arise, it has a set of solutions and ecological advantages that are difficult to find in traditional home insurance."

In her commitment to disseminate useful information, Marta Pahissa, responsible for environmental transformation of the insurer, has presented the new Health and Environment Observatory

Prescribe nature


The study, prepared by IS Global, addresses what are the determinants of health,

what effects nature has on health

, what this binomial is like in the world and highlights why we should prescribe nature

In Spain, DKV is established throughout the national territory with a wide network of health insurance offices and clinics, where

almost 2,000 employees work,

serving nearly 2 million clients.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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