That Annie Lööf wants to exclude both SD and V but still be part of the next government - and whether this is realistic - is the subject of "Annies (V) al", Wednesday's episode of SVT's Politikbyrån.

At the same time, 24 municipalities and 1 region are proof that V and C can actually govern together, at least locally.

- It is clear that when M raises questions about private performers, then it itches a little in my fingers to vote for that proposal, says Linda-Maria Hermansson in an interview with Politikbyrån.

She is the group leader for the Center Party in Stenungsund's municipal council, which is governed by a collaboration between S, C, V, MP and the local Stenungsund party, and says that the parties try to avoid issues where they are too far apart ideologically.

- Otherwise there is a risk that the cooperation will break down and that we will have a chaotic situation in Stenungsund municipality.

It's not worth it.

"We give and take"

Emma Ramhult, group leader for V in Stenungsund City Council, agrees that the collaboration with C works well.

- We give and we take and try to come to compromises that make everyone feel comfortable in the decisions we make, she says in Politikbyrån.

Emma Ramhult as Linda-Maria Hermansson, however, are both skeptical of a collaboration at the national level.

- There are big differences in the ideology between the parties, which makes it difficult to put together a collaboration at the national level.

At the municipal level, these are completely different issues where we can find each other, says Linda-Maria Hermansson.

"Care to continue"

Is it easier for your parties to cooperate at municipal level? 

- Yes, both answer.

So far, no issue has arisen that has been close to breaking the rule in Stenungssund.

But that may change in the future.

- I can imagine that it would be difficult to cooperate if, for example, a question arose that a new nursing home should be privatized.

If it comes up, we will see how we handle it, but all five parties are concerned that the cooperation will continue.

The Politburo's latest episode "Annies (V) al" is about the

Center Party and about Annie Lööf really opting out of both Jimmie Åkesson and Nooshi Dadgostar if she is to have any influence over Swedish politics?

Watch the whole episode here on SVT Play
