A British drug dealer posted a picture of his favorite cheese on a messenger and was caught by the police.

It was because of the fingerprints in the picture.


Click> The third search term is'a photo of a drug offender'.

A court in Liverpool, Merseyside, England, sentenced Carl Stewart, who was charged with supplying drugs, to prison in June 13th.

The crucial clue he was arrested was this picture of cheese.

Stuart inadvertently posted a picture of his favorite piece of cheese in the palm of his hand.

The messenger is an encrypted service and is known to be mainly used by drug sales and money laundering criminals. The police who were watching it did not miss a picture of his hand and checked his identity after extracting his fingerprints.

The criminal's extraordinary love for cheese eventually led to arrest.

Netizens who saw this said, “If you want to continue eating delicious cheese, please live nicely in the future.”

And responded.