Paris (AFP)

Former Minister LR Nadine Morano on Wednesday ruled out the hypothesis, at this stage, of becoming Minister of Marine Le Pen, explaining that he did not feel "in phase" with the far-right leader and candidate for the Elysee Palace, which she considers "left" from an economic point of view.

"To be a minister, you have to be in phase with the President of the Republic who will appoint you, who chooses you. In this case, I do not feel in phase with Emmanuel Macron, and in this case, at the Right now, there too, I do not feel in phase on all economic subjects with Marine Le Pen who has more of a program which is on the left, "declared on Cnews the former minister of Nicolas Sarkozy.

"They don't buy me for a dish of lentils. My goal is to serve France at best. So we have to come together on a program, on proposals, on a government contract, and not + ah Well, you want to be a minister to be a minister. + It's nonsense, "added Ms. Morano, who" still hopes "that her" political family will be able to have a candidate for the presidential election. "

Ms Morano and Mr Ciotti oppose alliances in regional elections between LR and the presidential party LREM.

Neither of them supports the top LR list in their region for this reason.

In addition, for Nadine Morano, MEP, "the discourse on the big bad wolves" of the RN "it no longer works" and we must provide "real answers" on immigration or security.

LR MP Eric Ciotti recently told him that what "differentiates" his party from the National Rally is the "ability to govern".

Asked whether Ms. Morano or Mr. Ciotti "would make good ministers" if she was elected President of the Republic, Marine Le Pen replied "why not" on BFMTV on Tuesday.

"I feel them closer to me than to Emmanuel Macron," added the head of the RN.

"Let's go beyond the labels. I want to create a government of national unity (...) and in this government of national unity, given the situation, I need people who love France, and who want to give their energy, their convictions, their time, their skills for France. It is my only condition ", she had developed.

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