
May 24, 2021Konstantin Ciujcenko, Minister of Justice of the Russian Federation, publicly supported the proposal to replace immigrant workers with detainees.

According to the minister, 180,000 of the detainees currently in custody have the authorization of the Russian courts to carry out corrective work instead of staying behind bars. However, there are only 8,000 jobs available, created specifically for prisoners. Furthermore, the companies with available jobs for prisoners are small, capable of absorbing a maximum of one hundred prisoners. On the other hand, there are large construction sites that employ migrants and which would be capable of creating thousands of jobs for prisoners by firing immigrants. In addition, detention centers for prisoners employed on the construction sites could be set up in these same construction sites.

The initiative to replace migrants with prisoners started from the Russian prison administration, according to which it would be a real turning point because it would allow prisoners to "work in decent conditions" and "even have a paycheck". The Russian penitentiary administration is already negotiating with big business for the realization of this idea.