An American intelligence report revealed that researchers from the Chinese "Wuhan" Institute had symptoms of the emerging corona virus (Covid-19) and were hospitalized prior to the discovery of the epidemic, while a new study revealed that the current vaccines provide a degree of protection that reaches nearly 100% .

The Wall Street Journal reported that the intelligence report revealed that 3 researchers from the Wuhan Institute of Virology showed symptoms similar to those of Corona in November 2019, and were subsequently forced to enter the hospital.

According to the intelligence report, which was not previously disclosed, these symptoms appeared on researchers shortly before the announcement of the spread of Corona.

The newspaper stated that the report could add more pressure to the demand for a full investigation into whether the virus causing the pandemic appeared in the Wuhan laboratory for the first time.

The disclosure of the number of infected researchers, the timing of their infection, and their admission to hospital comes ahead of a meeting of the World Health Organization (WHO) to discuss the next phase of the investigation into the origins of the virus.

During a vaccination campaign in Pakistan (Anatolia)

Great efficacy

In the context, a new study revealed that the current anti-virus vaccines provide a degree of protection up to nearly 100%, in relation to severe disease, transporting infected people to hospitals, or death.

The study conducted by researchers at the University of Florida also showed that the effectiveness of vaccines against virus-related diseases reached about 85% after a full course.

The researchers said that these estimates should be useful for building mathematical models of the effect of the vaccine, and for making policy decisions that involve vaccination plans.

Corona patient in a hospital in India (Anatolia)

Record deaths

Meanwhile, New Delhi announced today, Monday, that the pandemic has claimed more than 300,000 lives, making it the third country in the world - after the United States and Brazil - in which the death toll from the pandemic exceeds this threshold.

And the Indian Ministry of Health said that the number of deaths due to Corona rose to 303,720 people, which means that more than 50 thousand people have died from the virus in less than two weeks.

The total number of people infected with the virus - in the second most populous country in the world - increased to 26.7 million.

In recent weeks, India has been regularly recording record daily numbers of injuries and deaths, amid a violent epidemic wave.

Experts consider that the real numbers are - likely - much greater than the declared numbers, as the epidemic has spread not only in large cities but in rural areas where hospitals are scarce and the process of recording data is weak.

The number of HIV infections worldwide exceeded 167 million, deaths rose to 3 million and 469 thousand, while the number of people recovered exceeded 148 million, according to one of the data published by the "Worldometer" website.