Margit Johansson is 89 years old, she is one of those standing in line at the county traffic customer center to sort out question marks about the new ticket system for public transport in Jönköping.

But she's already pretty prepared.

- I have downloaded the new app, so I have it in my mobile phone that I have here, she says.

Criticism of money transfer

At the same time, some people experience problems with, among other things, transferring money from the old ticket system to the new one.

The county traffic has been contacted by upset people who do not think that the transition period has worked well.

Göta Johansson sees problems with the transition.

She believes that she risks being excluded from social functions such as public transport in a time of many lasting technological changes.

- I must rot at home.

If the old works why can we not continue with it?

I do not have a new mobile and will not get one either, says Göta Johansson.

Watch the entire clip above when SVT is on site and interviews people in the queue at the county traffic customer center.