With the announcement of a ceasefire between the Palestinian resistance factions in the Gaza Strip and the Israeli occupation state, the last round of escalation has ended in the field.

However, this tour, which bore special and exceptional features that distinguish it from other previous confrontations, is expected to constitute a defining moment in the history of the conflict and developments in the region.

What are the achievements that the Palestinians were able to achieve in this round of confrontations?

What are the most prominent features of this tour?

How can the Palestinians invest this round in strengthening their steadfastness in facing the occupation?

These themes are answered by the following report in the form of a question and answer.

  • What has the "sword of Jerusalem" battle achieved for the Palestinian cause?

The confrontation of the Jerusalemites and the people of the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood with the occupation policy and their displacement from their homes constituted a catalyst for the launch of a Palestinian Jerusalem gift that was able to impose itself on everyone's agenda and bring the issue of Jerusalem back to the fore.

The most prominent transformation in these events came with the intervention of the resistance in Gaza and considering violations of the rights of holy sites and the people of Jerusalem as a motive and justification to enter a round of fighting with the occupation, especially after the calls of Jerusalemites to it and the insistence of the government of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to impose its policies on the Al-Aqsa Mosque.

From this moment on, the Palestinians began to record a number of achievements in relation to their cause, the most important of which are:

  • The entry of the weapons of the resistance in Gaza is on the line of influence on the occupation in Jerusalem, and this may develop in other scenes to include the Israeli attacks in the West Bank, and perhaps against the Palestinians of the occupied interior.

    This equation, in a simple way, represents a strategic shift adopted by the resistance, and it may be considered a new path of struggle that will return the Palestinian cause - which the deal of the century and the agreements of Abraham tried to liquidate - to its first square, and confirm the historical narrative of the Palestinian people represented in their right to this land, and that the occupation state is a project. The replacement of population groups in the place of a people that has its identity and its land.

  • Palestinian struggle against the occupation in Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza Strip, and the occupied interior, constituted a practical alternative to the "reconciliation" or the "Palestinian elections" path adopted by the Palestinian Authority and the factions, and years went by without a real breakthrough in it.

    Rather, the course of the elections had missed the Palestinians' opportunity for an intifada in the face of the deal of the century and the plans for annexation and normalization, and this round of confrontations came to restore the Palestinians ’consideration.

  • With its comprehensive coverage in Jerusalem, Gaza, the West Bank and the interior, this tour was able to confirm the Palestinian right in Jerusalem, and to refute the narrative of the occupation with its right to Judaize Jerusalem and its neighborhoods.

  • The resistance in Gaza provided a professional combat model, and a high ability to confront the Israeli aggression and deal with the plans of the occupation, thus limiting its ability to prolong its aggression against the Palestinians.

  • To this must be added the gift of the Palestinians of the occupied interior, which proved - beyond no room for doubt - that the occupation state is weaker than it is trying to present itself, and that the occupation has a loose and sensitive side that is no longer immune to and affected by the resisting Palestinian action.

  • This tour demonstrated the Palestinians' ability to drop the cultural and demographic "family" projects in this confrontation.

  • What are the highlights of this tour?

Perhaps the most prominent feature of this confrontation: The Palestinian resistance lost the two elements of surprise and initiative to the occupation.

It also caused a major shock in his security theory. The repercussions of this round included most of the elements of the Israeli security theory, such as deterrence, preemptive war, fighting in "enemy" territory, strategic prediction, and the cohesion of the home front.

The Palestinian resistance was able to prove to the occupation that there is no strategic or tactical deterrence equation, and hastened it by preparing to enter a combat confrontation, and the tour began with the bombing of "Jerusalem" and many settlements in the enemy's territory.

The occupation also failed to predict the decision of the resistance in Gaza, and the nature and size of its military capabilities, including the range and number of rockets.

This tour was accompanied by a Palestinian popular uprising in the cities of the occupied interior, which the occupation considers part of its internal front.

The Palestinians were able to present an example of the state of attrition that the occupation might subject to the multiplicity of arenas of confrontation with it in all of occupied Palestine.

The political narrative on which the recent "Battle of the Sword of Jerusalem" in the Gaza Strip was based, is a fundamental change in the rules of engagement between the occupation and the Palestinian resistance.

As this narrative was based on the basis that the armed resistance in Gaza decided - clearly - to respond to the occupation's attacks in Jerusalem and the West Bank, and to respond to the chants of Jerusalemites and the people of the West Bank to lead the resistance in Gaza about the need to intervene.

This tour showed that there are structural and intellectual transformations among the Palestinians, and the impact of this on Palestinian youth in Jerusalem and the West Bank in particular, exceeds the estimates of the occupation security services.

The coherence of the Palestinian narrative on the issue of Jerusalem, the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood and the aggression on Gaza led to the growth of support and sympathy at the level of international popular and trade union activities, and the widespread protests in global capitals showed the extent of the growing sympathy with the Palestinians and surpassed the narrative of the occupation.

  • What are the repercussions of the recent confrontation on the Israeli occupation?

Netanyahu wants to escalate in Jerusalem and the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood as part of his internal tactics, to win over more extreme right-wing forces to block the way to forming a government by his opponents, but he lost control of matters thanks to the steadfastness of the Jerusalemites, the entry of the resistance in Gaza on the front line, and the burning of the West Bank and cities Inside.

It is expected that the "image of defeat" that Netanyahu and the Israeli occupation army came out with from this round will deepen the vulnerability in the internal environment of the occupying power, and increase polarization once he enters into a state of exchange of accusations for assuming responsibility among the leadership of the occupying power.

This round also had transitive repercussions for the conflict between the occupying state and the Palestinians and the internal Israeli situation, affecting the status and image of the regional and international occupation state.

The policies of US President Donald Trump aimed at pushing for normalization between Arab countries and the occupying country and the signing of the Abraham understandings, aimed at strengthening Israel’s regional position and forming a strategic alliance to confront other regional powers.

This alliance includes strategic military and security projects, and projects related to cybersecurity, energy, water and sea security issues, but the resistance's unprecedented ability to bypass the Iron Dome and target energy projects - such as the Tamar field and other projects - puts all this strategy under a real challenge that will push everyone to reconsider. In the image of "Israel" that it exports on its own, and the Trump administration has tried to market it.

The occupation continues to repeat its mistakes by targeting civilians, institutions, residential towers, and media institutions, which has created a state of pressure from international and Western powers in particular, as the report of the Israeli National Security Institute of Tel Aviv University monitors the growing calls for boycotting Israel and the rhetoric rejecting its occupation policies and considers it one of the most important dangers. Facing the occupation state.

  • How can the Palestinians invest in this confrontation?

All the causes of resistance work are still present in all of occupied Palestine, extensively since the deal of the century, the annexation plans, and the Judaization of Jerusalem.

As this round of confrontations showed that there is a new Palestinian generation that has overcome the idea of ​​indifference and defeatism that the occupation has tried to impose on it over the past two decades, and Gaza has provided a model for meaningful resistance that achieves achievements and accumulates points at the expense of the occupation.

The results of this round formed an opportunity for the Palestinians to invest in achieving more gains, through two important tracks:

First: the escalation of resistance in the West Bank

The importance of the West Bank in the conflict with the occupation stems from the strategic value it represents for the Palestinians and the occupation at the same time.

The West Bank is a geographical and demographic extension of the cities of the occupied Palestinian interior.

This natural overlap and clash with the occupation makes the resistance action in the West Bank qualitative and decisive.

This is what the second intifada has proven, and what also explains the focus of Israeli security plans and security coordination efforts on the West Bank and the resistance in it.

In addition, the West Bank contains a wide area of ​​occupation targets, including military bases, settlements, checkpoints, and roadblocks.

The number of settlers in the West Bank and Jerusalem is close to one million, and these facts pose a great challenge to the occupation.

Second: A political program entitled Resistance and Unity

The resistance factions and the popular forces have a real opportunity to transform the struggle unit in the field into an inclusive Palestinian program that makes resistance to the occupation a fundamental basis in unifying the Palestinian position.

What worries the occupation and its supporters most is that the new Palestinian theory adopted by the American General Keith Dayton has become a mirage, and that there is another Palestinian who believes in resistance and trusts its usefulness and seeks to convert it into action on the ground as much as possible.

It is expected that this tour will give a great moral and intellectual boost to the Palestinian youth in the West Bank, the occupied interior and the diaspora, who have all the justifications for revolution and resistance to the occupation.