China News Service, May 19 (Reporter Chen Jing) Grandma Liu, who had always had good eyesight when she was young, suffered from blurred vision a few years ago. This year, her eyesight has been declining.

60-year-old grandmother Liu thought it was presbyopia, but she did not know that it was a cataract.

  Chen Xu, director of the cataract specialist at Shanghai Aier Eye Hospital, said in an interview with reporters on the 19th that presbyopia and cataracts are both lens problems.

Many elderly people mistake cataracts for presbyopia like Grandma Zhang.

Chen Xu suggested that middle-aged and elderly people should go to the hospital for examination in time when they have eye problems to troubleshoot related eye problems.

  Chen Xu explained that presbyopia is that the accommodative ability of the lens gradually weakens with age, and it will appear unclear and blurred when looking at close objects, while it is relatively clear when looking at distant objects.

Such symptoms usually appear quietly when they are 40 to 45 years old, and become more and more serious as they grow older.

The efficient diagnosis and treatment mode of ophthalmology day surgery brings convenience to busy office workers.

Photo courtesy of Shanghai Tenth Hospital

  Cataracts are not only caused by the loss of accommodative ability of the lens, but also turbidity.

The patient sees things as if there is a dusty glass in front of his eyes.

Under normal circumstances, cataracts will appear around the age of 60, and as you get older, you will feel more and more blurred vision.

  The expert pointed out that the distinction between presbyopia and cataract can be distinguished from the ability to see objects.

Presbyopia has blurred vision at near, and vision at distant objects is the same as in the past. With presbyopic glasses, vision will be restored.

Cataracts are blurry, double vision, and double vision regardless of whether they are looking at near or far, even if they wear glasses, they will not change.

  Chen Xu told reporters that when many elderly people have blurred vision in the early stage of cataract, they think it is presbyopia and do not take it seriously, which delays the treatment of cataract.

He bluntly said that over-done cataracts may induce serious complications such as glaucoma, increasing the risk and difficulty of surgery.

  However, what if presbyopia and cataract are present at the same time?

Chen Xu told reporters that with the advancement and development of science and technology, through the selection of intraocular lenses, these two problems can be solved at the same time, so that the eyes can return to youth, and they can have good vision whether they are looking close or far.

  The reporter learned during the interview that the Shanghai Tenth People's Hospital has explored an efficient diagnosis and treatment model for ophthalmic day surgery, which has brought convenience to busy office workers.

Xu Ding, director of the Department of Ophthalmology of the Tenth Hospital, told reporters that there is no conflict between seeing a doctor and going to work for ophthalmic diseases that meet the category of "rapid recovery". , Come to receive treatment at noon on working days, if it goes well, you can go to work in the afternoon without delay.

  Mr. Zhang, who had just finished the intraocular injection, told reporters that he received four treatments with day surgery and his vision improved from 0.4 to 0.8. The symptoms of visual distortion have improved and his work has not been affected.
