It has been two years since Tjällmo, north of Motala, was hit by a large forest fire that ravaged for twelve days. The rescue service worked around the clock and the defense was called in to help with water bombing from the air. 

Many were threatened with evacuation and the unrest in the community was great during the time when the fire spread.

- We saw how the wind turned and the fire came closer and closer. I opened the parish home because there were families who had nowhere to go if they were forced to evacuate, says Susanne.

Great commitment

At the same time as the firefighters worked around the clock up in the forest, the people of Tjällmoba began to organize. In the parish home, they made sandwiches and brewed coffee, which they then drove down to the rescue service's temporary base station.

- We took what we had on hand to be able to help, says Susanne.

At first it was under a simple direction but soon the commitment was expanded. The fire brigade was provided with drinks, sweets and other provisions when the Tjällmo residents came together and were able to finance the help through various donations.

Existential crisis

- I think it changed people basically because there is a trust and confidence that when a crisis or disaster happens, people will come and help. I also think that it will increase cohesion in a countryside like this for quite some time to come - there is a sense of belonging that I think is important in the countryside.

After twelve days, the rescue service finally announced that the fire was under control and that the danger was finally over. After a while, Susanne was met by people who were struggling with new issues.

In the video above, she talks about it.