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moment, it will be the 41st anniversary of the May 18 Democratization Movement. A ceremony is held to remind the spirit of May 1980 and commemorate the victims. A large number of ruling and opposition politicians, including presidential election runners, also visited Gwangju.

This is reporter Kang Min-woo.


The 41st anniversary of the May 18 Democratization Movement will be held today (18th) at 10:00 am at the National May 18 Democratic Cemetery.

Today's ceremony is limited to 99 people to prevent the spread of Corona 19, so only 5·18 democratic merit, bereaved families, and government personnel will attend.

At the ceremony, we will deliver a message of national integration through the nationalization and globalization of the May 18 spirit, and at the eve of last night, we also delivered a message that we will be in solidarity with the Myanmar democratization movement, which has been continuing for four months since the military coup.

Before and after the 5·18 ceremony, not only the ruling and opposition leaders, but also politicians running for the presidential election with less than 10 months left visited Gwangju.

Former Prime Minister Jeong Sye-gyun appealed to the supporters saying that the spirit of the Gwangju Uprising was the prosecution and media reform, and former CEO Nak-yeon Lee announced the plan to amend the constitution in Gwangju and effectively cast a vote.

Gyeonggi Governor Lee Jae-myeong also plans to visit the May 18 National Cemetery today.

In the opposition party, Jeju Governor Won Hee-ryong and former Congressman Yoo Seung-min visited Gwangju one after another, and Ahn Chul-soo, the representative of the National Assembly Party, is scheduled to attend the official ceremony today.

In May, the May 18 Bereaved Family invited Rep. Jeong Un-cheon and Seong Il-jong, the powers of the people to help with group legislative activities, for the first time as members of the Conservative Party to a memorial event.