“Unfriendly gestures served as a pretext for making a decision to level the conditions in which our diplomatic missions work on each other’s territory: ours - in the Czech Republic and the United States, and theirs, respectively, in Russia,” Lavrova quotes TASS. 

As the minister clarified, as a concrete step, which has already been announced, Moscow asked to bring the number of local hired personnel from among individuals - both Russian citizens and third-country nationals - to the level of a similar category of workers that Russia has in the Czech Republic and the United States. ...

On May 14, the Russian government approved the list of unfriendly foreign states.

The list includes two states: the United States and the Czech Republic.

According to the text, the Czech Republic will be able to hire a maximum of 19 workers from among the Russians in its diplomatic mission, the United States - none.

Prague reacted to this decision of Moscow: they said that it was a step towards escalating tensions in relations not only with the Czech Republic, but also with the EU.