• Israel: tragedy at the religious gathering in Meron, at least 45 dead in the crowd


May 16, 2021

At least 50-60 people were injured, three would be very serious, in the collapse of a tribune in the Orthodox synagogue of Givat Ze'ev, a settlement in the West Bank near Jerusalem.

A video posted on Twitter shows a synagogue full of people and a stairway that suddenly collapses following what appears to be structural failure.

The bleachers (parenches) have collapsed at the new Stoliner Bais Hamedrash in #Givat Ze'ev as Yom Tov begins. # Israel #Palestine pic.twitter.com/3lvana1w2K

- Malik Ali Raza (@MalikAliiRaza) May 16, 2021

The incident occurs as Israel carries the feast of Shavuot, one of three biblical pilgrimage feasts known as the Feast of Weeks in Italian and Pentecost in ancient Greek. A few weeks ago, 45 people were killed in a similar collapse at a shrine on Mount Meron in northern Israel.