From Monday to Friday in Media Culture, Eva Roque gives you her TV tips for the evening.

This Monday, she offers us two programs with writers for a common theme.

La Fontaine is revealed in "Secrets d'histoire" on France 3 at 9:05 pm and six French writers are revealed in "Profession romancier.ère" on Canal + at 10:40 pm.

What programs does Eva Roque recommend and does it have a theme?

Make way for writers.

After Voltaire, Stéphane Bern is interested in Jean de La Fontaine.

New number of Secrets d'histoire punctuated by several interventions by Fabrice Luchini reciting the writer's fables wonderfully.

The magazine traces the life of La Fontaine, a free and libertarian man.

With his wife, it was each made his life.

But when Madame's lover, Captain Poignant, shows himself too much, La Fontaine's entourage pushes him to repair his honor.

La Fontaine and women is one of the themes widely discussed in the show.

At 73, the writer died penniless.

His work enjoyed immense popularity many years after his death.

And still today.

They will have succeeded in making their novel known during their lifetime and have the chance to make a living from writing.

Six French writers confided in Antoine de Caunes in the magazine "Profession romancier, romancière" on Canal +. Their first novel, the relationship with their publisher, success, inspiration are at the heart of the conversations. Just like their writing ritual. Listen to what Négar Djavadi, author of "Désorientale", has to say about it. A one-hour exchange that we would like to extend as these writers talk about their profession with passion and humor. No question of taking oneself seriously, even for Nicolas Mathieu, Goncourt Prize in 2018 with his magnificent novel "Their children after them". Moreover, Eva Roque advises you to watch the end credits. We hear a few snippets of conversation and an anecdote by Nicolas Mathieu. Just go to his Instagram account to discover the famous message.Excellent program which will perhaps give birth to vocations.

To summarize :

La Fontaine is revealed in "Secrets d'histoire" on France 3 at 9:05 pm and six French writers are revealed in "Profession romancier.ère" on Canal + at 10:40 pm