The FDP also wants to call for a curtailment of public broadcasting and a lowering of the broadcasting fee in the federal election campaign. "The public service broadcasting needs an order and structural reform", it says in an amendment for the election program, which the FDP party congress accepted with a narrow majority on Saturday evening. “We Free Democrats want a more modern and leaner public service broadcaster (ÖRR) that should primarily focus on news, culture, political education and documentaries. We want to lower the broadcasting fee. "

In vain, FDP General Secretary Volker Wissing appealed to the delegates to reject the application.

It was accepted by 185 votes to 179.

It goes on to say: “The number of television and radio channels operated by the broadcasters must be reduced.

Parallel offers that are not required are to be avoided. "

The FDP election program now also states that public broadcasting on the Internet should be limited to areas that are comparable to traditional broadcasting or that are directly related to it.

A functioning dual media system needs balance.

The proportionality between the broadcasting fee and competition must be preserved.

“Competition with every Internet offer from private press and media companies is not the task of the ÖRR.

We want to strengthen the media and diversity of opinion. "