
May 15, 2021

"There is a basic point about vaccines: in the face of the right to health, you cannot count how much money you have. It is wrong in terms of values ​​and also of interests. The epidemic has taught us that no one saves himself alone. Not someone wins against another country ".

Thus the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, at the assembly of Article 1.

Thoughtful openings so as not to go back

"Soon we will start again, we will go back to construction sites, factories, places of discussion and this is a great and beautiful thing. Today we can say that it will reopen because we have been careful and prudent" adds the Minister of Health and secretary of Article One.

The openings, he explains, must be "considered because we don't want to go back".

"I am often described as the toughest minister. I think it is normal for the Minister of Health, but I want to be optimistic for the season that opens, albeit with the utmost caution. And in this season of rebirth we must do our piece as politics, "he points out.

Our goal is wide center-left



message I think today is this, that together we will work to offer an alternative to the right" adds Speranza, underlining how, in connection, there are Enrico Letta, Giuseppe Conte, Mattia Santori and the secretary of the CGIL Maurizio Landini.

"The values ​​that unite us are first of all peace. And then work as a fundamental issue", explains Speranza.

"Our fundamental objective is to try to revive this broad field of the center left. There are two great political fields in the world, which have two different ideas of the fundamentals of society," he explains.

To Pd-M5S: let's support each other in the ballots

"We must work immediately so that our being together can be cultivated immediately. On the administrative side, I think that wherever there is still a margin to work together immediately, we must go and see that margin. And we must be clear: we must make an empty-box commitment, saying that where we fail to make an agreement in the first round we will work together to support the candidate of those of this family who have reached the second round ".

There are those who are against the axis of a right-wing government

"There is a piece of the country that does not want this axis, just read the newspapers. There are those who work for a Salvini-Meloni executive", says Speranza. "It is very fashionable to insult the M5S, I think differently. I think the M5S has helped many people on the margins of politics and institutions. I hope that your work, Giuseppe (Conte, ed), will allow the M5S to take a further step forward. I believe that the dialogue between us must necessarily remain alive. Just as I look with interest at the work Enrico is doing to change the main political subject of the center-left. I think that the challenge launched by Letta concerns us ", he explains Hope that, addressing party colleagues, invites everyone "never to be afraid of staying on a pathin the construction of a large force field that is an alternative to the right ".