The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell for the first time in six days on the New York stock market at the beginning of the week.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed on the 10th at $ 34,742,82, down $ 34.94 from last weekend.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average continued to rise due to optimism about the outlook for the US economy, temporarily surpassing the $ 35,000 mark and hitting a record high during trading hours.

However, as IT-related stocks such as Apple and Microsoft were sold, the price began to decline toward the end of the transaction.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average has fallen for the first time in six business days since the 30th of last month.

The Nasdaq stock index, which has many IT-related stocks, fell sharply by 2.5% compared to last weekend.

Market officials said, "The current monetary easing has been prolonged, and the market is feeling reassured that the resumption of economic activities supported by the spread of vaccines is going well. On the other hand, there are growing concerns about inflation due to the economic recovery. , Such concerns have led to the sale of IT-related stocks. "