
The long Corona year 2020/21 should actually end with a political bang.

Much would have to be taken into account: in addition to a devastatingly bad health policy, in addition to psychological and economic damage, above all the moralization of an illness that has torn our society ideologically.

But there are some things that make it undeservedly easy for one of the weakest federal governments we have ever had: the apparently seasonal course of Corona, which is causing the number of infections to drop, the growing success of vaccinations, especially for family doctors - and the spring awakening that is finally lifting the mood.

But before the criticism of the politics of this terrible year evaporates in the beer garden, we should at least plan a few things for the future.


First: The question of how to organize disaster control effectively in a country like Germany belongs in the federal election campaign. To this end, the parties have to give specific answers. Second, the same applies to improving the health system: Even without Corona, there are exhausted, exploited employees in the clinics and, at the same time, senseless treatments that are more beneficial to the balance sheet than to the patient. What can a human-friendly hospital reform look like? We urgently need to talk about that.

Thirdly, as the SPD erroneously and 20 years too late thinks, it is not a question of the right to work from home.

For God's sake!

Now, or at the latest when everyone who wants it has been vaccinated, the issue is a right to an



A right to the separation of place of residence and work, a right to creative discussions instead of e-mail commands, to collegial encounters instead of zoom isolation!

The same applies to schools and universities: Don't you dare claim that “digital knowledge transfer” is more than an emergency solution - no matter how ingenious your “tools” are supposed to be.

It is no coincidence that face-to-face teaching has been a successful principle for thousands of years.

People learn from one another, with one another, in direct exchange.

Fourth: We have to get rid of the careless handling of our data that the fight against corona has bred. It is not normal to have any health data floating around in the cloud, it is not normal to trust the acclaimed Luca app, it is not even normal to have to leave your address in writing when you go to a restaurant. All of this has to stop as quickly as ordering everything on Amazon that is destroying our inner cities.