Potato, or potato, is one of the most delicious foods, and it is useful, but this depends on how it is prepared, so what are its benefits?

What happens to the body of the fasting person when consumed?

We start by reviewing the nutritional contents of potatoes, roughly according to the US Department of Agriculture (US DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE).

Boiled potatoes (100 grams


  • Calories: 87.

  • Protein: 2 grams.

  • Carbohydrates: 20 grams.

  • Dietary Fiber: 2 grams.

  • Fat: 0.1 grams.

French fries (100 grams


  • Calories: 312

  • Protein: 3.4 grams.

  • Carbs: 41 grams.

  • Dietary Fiber: 3.8 grams

  • Fat: 15 grams.

What happens to the body of the fasting person when eating potatoes?

Potatoes contain many nutrients, and they are good for health, but that depends on how they are prepared.

When a fasting person eats healthy prepared potatoes, it gives his body carbohydrates and calories, and makes him feel full, and the potatoes themselves (not fried) are free of fat and cholesterol.

Potatoes are a good source of dietary fiber that can benefit in losing weight by keeping a person full for a longer period, and then it helps the fasting person to eat less food for breakfast.

Fiber can also help prevent heart disease by maintaining healthy levels of cholesterol and blood sugar at normal levels.

Potatoes also contain antioxidants that work to prevent diseases.

The fibers in potatoes are of a type called "resistant starch", which is beneficial and causes less gas than other types of fibers.

The resistant starch in potatoes works as a food for the beneficial bacteria in the intestine, thus helping to improve intestinal health and prevent constipation.

And potatoes are full of antioxidants, which are compounds that fight free radicals that damage the body's cells.

Baked potato skins are a great source of potassium and magnesium. When there is not enough potassium in the diet, the body retains extra sodium, and excess sodium raises blood pressure.

A diet rich in potassium can lower blood pressure, protect the heart, and reduce the risk of stroke.

Before cooking the potatoes, they should be washed well and that there is no dirt or dirt on the potato skin.

The best way to eat potatoes is to boil them, with little or no salt, and they can be grilled with a little olive oil.

On the other hand, it is advised to avoid fried potatoes because they contain a lot of fat and calories.

And you can notice that frying potatoes increases the amount of calories in them almost 4 times, from 87 calories per 100 grams boiled, to 312 calories when frying them.

Potatoes are saturated, and it is one of the most filling foods available, and potato peel also contains a good amount of fiber that promotes satiety and reduces hunger.

Warning and potential harm

  • French fries, potato chips, and products made from them contain a large amount of calories and fat, and thus may increase the risk of obesity, and the risk of high cholesterol and fats.

    However, it is important to take into account how often and how much you eat it.

    Conversely, when potatoes are eaten in moderation and as part of a balanced diet, whole, unprocessed potatoes are unlikely to lead to weight gain.

  • The German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment warns against eating potatoes that contain green spots, moldy spots, or plant tubers, since they contain the toxic "Solanine", a substance in potatoes whose concentration increases in these cases.

    The German experts added - according to the German news agency - that food poisoning caused by consuming solanine has symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and diarrhea.

    To avoid poisoning, the institute advises to avoid eating potatoes with their skin, unless they are completely fresh and healthy, while children should never eat potatoes with their skin.

    It is also important to get rid of potato boiling water and not to use it again, and potatoes should not be eaten if they taste bitter.

  • Acrylamide is a chemical that is produced in high proportions when processed foods made from potatoes and grains are heated at high temperatures, and may increase the risk of cancer. According to previous statements - quoted by the German News Agency from the European Food Safety Authority - acrylamide in food raises the risk of cancer at all ages.

    The problem lies in fried, baked and roasted foods such as french fries, roasted potatoes, potato chips, biscuits, dry bread, toast, and coffee.

    To reduce the percentage of acrylamide in food, the German Consumer Protection Center advised that foods rich in carbohydrates be heated only as long as necessary and at a low temperature as possible. Roasting or preparing potatoes and "toast" and baked goods until golden in color, avoiding black spots. The center advised frying the potatoes at a temperature less than 175 degrees Celsius, for a period of approximately 3 or 4 minutes.