
“In the name of the common good, to protect the security of people and with the aim of achieving full equality and stability, the national emergency will be issued for the duration as follows: All patents on ... inventions, formulas, processes ... must to be transferred to the nation as a patriotic emergency donation ... "

This is what Wesley Mouch, a cretin who has risen to head of the regulatory authority with nasty tricks, proclaims in Ayn Rand's famous novel "Atlas Shrugged" ("Atlas throws the world off") from 1957.

The book, whose brilliance was only surpassed by that of the Bible in the USA in the 20th century, sketches the dystopia of a world in which entrepreneurship is punished, creativity is hindered, initiative is despised, and personal responsibility is ridiculed.

With freedom the entrepreneurs disappear, the fall of the country takes its course ...


The lines came to mind this week when people were pushing for pharmaceutical companies to surrender their vaccine patents.

Joe Biden made the debate big.

We also have supporters.

Ulrich Montgomery, Chairman of the World Medical Association, explains: "The pharmaceutical industry could now advance all of humanity if it voluntarily renounced the exercise of its patent rights for vaccines."

Doesn't that sound like Mouch?

By the way: In January Montgomery pleaded for banning manufacturers from delivering vaccines outside the EU, now he wants to "advance all of humanity".

Whatever the goal, the means should be the same: the abolition of the market.

Montgomery is representative of many.

His demand is more popular than it has been for a long time, wherever you look and hear that the market should go, freedom becomes collateral damage: from the rent cap to quotas for every minority that identifies identity politics.

If you look at the results, you can guess what will happen in the end.

The rent cap, for example, has exacerbated the housing shortage.

If the vaccine manufacturers are deprived of the chance to make a profit, there will first of all be fewer vaccines.