The month of Ramadan is nearing its end, and the time has come to prepare the house for Eid al-Fitr, and the house may need an urgent plan for deep cleaning, and despite the difficulty of the matter, there are some ideas and tools that will contribute to finishing cleaning the house in a few hours, and with the least possible effort.

Cleaning your mattress is an essential step

Assuming you wash your sheets, pillowcases, and blankets regularly, now is the time to clean the mattress.

To wash the mattress, use the nozzle of a vacuum cleaner to suck out dust, dirt and hair particles, then use upholstery cleaner to remove stains and odors.

You can also use baking soda with a sprinkle of a few drops of essential oil, leave it for an hour, then vacuum again.

Remove dust and lint from upholstery

Use a lint roller or tape to remove dust from lampshades, upholstery, and carpets as well.

Use a damp cloth to clean the base of the lamp (lampshades), and make sure to use the appropriate detergent for the base of the lamp, whether it is metal, wooden, or porcelain.

Kitchen cleaning

The kitchen room is the dirtiest during the past weeks, perhaps because it is most used in preparing food and banquets, even if it is limited this year.

Cleaning Kitchen Cabinets You need to scrub the front of your cabinets with a dish brush and dishwashing liquid (or use one part vegetable oil and two parts baking soda) to get rid of food stains and fingerprints.

Clean pans

The dishwashing basin in the kitchen is one of the dirtiest areas in the house, and to clean it properly, pour a cup of baking soda and two cups of vinegar inside it, and let the mixture work for a few minutes, then wash the corners of the basin with boiling water.

For a refreshing citrus scent, chop some lemon slices and put them in the sink after cleaning.

Clean inside and outside the refrigerator

Rub the stains and dirt on the outside of the refrigerator with a damp cloth and a little baking soda.

To clean the inside of the refrigerator, take out all your food and remove the shelves, then wash the inside with water and dishwashing soap.

Do the same with the shelves and bins before putting them back in the fridge.

Just be sure to switch the refrigerator off or on before cleaning the interior.

Take all the food out of the refrigerator and remove the shelves, then wash the inside with water and dishwashing soap (German)

Oven cleaning

Even self-cleaning ovens need some traditional cleaning tools.

You only need baking soda, vinegar, and dishwashing liquid.

And to remove stains and traces of burning, here is the following magic mixture:

  • 4 teaspoons of baking soda.

  • 5 teaspoons of vinegar.

  • A few drops of dishwashing liquid.

Leave the liquid soap mixture on for a few hours before wiping it off with a clean, damp cloth.

Hardware cleaning

All you need is a basic coffee filter to remove dust and fingerprints from screens on your TV, computer, or tablet.

Clean up the library and shelves

Bookshelves, as well as the book surfaces themselves, can contain a lot of dust and dirt.

For a thorough cleaning, wipe your book covers with a magnetic cloth or bits of traditional cleaning cloth, then remove everything from your shelves and wipe it with a damp cloth.

Make sure you consider your office materials when choosing a cleaning product - wood, glass, and metal need to be cleaned differently.

Living room cleaning

Use dishwashing liquid to get rid of stains on couches made of fabric. Put a little soap on the stains and leave them for several minutes, then wipe them off with a clean, damp cloth.

Avoid overusing soap, you only need a mild lather.

Magic bathroom cleaning ideas

To get rid of stains, soap dirt, and mildew, throw your shower curtain and liner into the washing machine, even plastic, along with a few bath towels to prevent wrinkles.

Add traditional detergent and a cup of baking soda, then wash it with warm water.

And take it out of the washing machine as soon as the washing program ends, to avoid wrinkles.

As for cleaning the bathtub, mix a portion of dish soap with an amount of vinegar to clean the shower walls, and make sure to clean the "shower, bathtub and shower cabin" right before the shower so that you can rinse everything easily.

The faucet can be cleaned with a toothbrush, baking soda and water.

If the faucets are stained with solid mineral deposits and dirt, brush a little baking soda over an old toothbrush, add water, and rub it until it looks brand new.

The faucet can be cleaned with a toothbrush, baking soda and water (Pixels).

Cleaning wardrobes

This step may take some time. All you have to do is take the clothes off the shelves in the closet and wipe them with a multi-purpose cleaner and a damp cloth.

Cleaning the washing machine

The washing machine also needs regular cleaning, and all you need to perform this step to get rid of stains and unpleasant odors is the magic mixture of vinegar and baking soda with running a traditional washing cycle.

Windows and their paths

You need a glass cleaner, newspaper, or a rag.

Wipe the glass panes and leave them to dry, and do not use any traditional washing powder to keep the glass clean and clear.

To clean window tracks, sprinkle some baking soda on dirt in window tracks, pour in a little vinegar, leave the mixture for a few minutes, then scrub it with an old rag or toothbrush.