Local media reported that the Myanmar military, which is working on protests against coups and arrests of the leaders of the civil disobedience movement, is not hesitating even the anti-humane act of taking a newborn baby only 20 days old as hostage.

According to local media, Irrawaddy, a military policeman, who was arrested by the rebel protest leadership in the southern Monju region on the night of the 5th, took his wife and a 20-day-old newborn baby with him when he couldn't find Than Yun, who was designated as the lead.

One resident told the media, "Tan Wyn was in hiding, so he wasn't at home at the time, only his wife, son, and newborn baby."

The military police added that the remaining son was asked to call his dad and tell him they had taken his mother and younger brother, the media added.

According to the Myanmar Human Rights Organization Political Offender Support Association, AAPP, the number of cases where the military is taking hostage families is strengthening the repression of civil servants who participated in the civil disobedience movement or those who lead street protests in the rebels.

Even on the morning of the 6th, the military police took their mother and younger brother with them when they were unable to find the protesters wanted in Fatein in Irrawaddy.

Earlier, Irrawaddy said late last month that when he was unable to arrest a man who was wanted for making a prisoner bomb, the military police held his mother in his 60s and his 28-year-old brother hostage, and had not informed him whereabouts for two weeks.

The AAPP stressed that the Myanmar military regime is taking its citizens hostage every day and that the number has reached 59 so far.

Currently, 774 people were killed in military and police violence, and 4,849 people were arrested and detained, according to the AAPP.