The man and the woman went to sleep next to each other after a party night.

When the woman woke up, she claimed that the man had raped her during the night.

And technical evidence binds him to having sex with the sleeping woman.

But the man has always denied and claimed that he remembers nothing of the incident.

Unusual sleep disturbance

The man was sentenced in 2018 to two years in prison for what happened.

But since then, the man has been diagnosed by a sleep researcher at Sahlgrenska University Hospital in Gothenburg with an unusual sleep disorder, called "sexsomnia".

It's a psychiatric diagnosis.

A person with sexsomnia performs sexual acts in their sleep.

It can be compared to going to sleep.

The diagnosis was the basis for the Supreme Court granting the man erection.

And now, when the trials are over, he has been acquitted.

"Unfair judgment"

There are several previous cases in Sweden where people who performed sexual acts in their sleep were released for the same reason.

The woman's plaintiff's assistant, Mardin Pakas, says the woman is disappointed with the verdict, and thinks it is unfair.

- She therefore does not believe that he acted in his sleep at the time in question, says Mardin Parkas.