If you are 14 years or older and live in Storuman and can imagine walking, cycling or running at least five kilometers every day during May and June, you have the chance to win one of two bicycles that the municipality draws.

The purpose of the campaign is to improve physical and mental health.

- We have been inspired by Malå municipality which had a similar campaign last year.

Those who register must move at least five kilometers every day during May and June, says Daniel Burman, public health coordinator Storuman municipality.

"A great initiative"

So far, just over 160 people have signed up.

One of them is Pia Kristiansson.

- I think it is a great initiative, because it puts pressure on me to move more and I have probably still moved more during the pandemic because I feel I need it, says Pia Kristiansson from Storuman.

If you want to know how and when the bikes are drawn, watch the video.

There you will also hear Pia Kristiansson and Tuija Havela talk about how they became friends during their walks during the pandemic.