China Overseas Chinese Network, May 7th, title: Going abroad to work, making a high salary?

Want to be beautiful!

  "As long as you can play on your mobile phone, you can earn money every month?"

  "Include food, housing and travel expenses?"

  "Living in a luxury mansion and driving a luxury car, from then on to the pinnacle of life?"

  Have you been moved by these news?

  As long as you go abroad, you can achieve the legendary "high income and high return"...

  It sounds full of temptation, but is there such a good thing in the world?

Data map (photo by Zhong Yedong)

  A few days ago, a 19-year-old boy from Hubei came to the local immigration management team to apply for a passport for going abroad.

When submitting the materials, he said that he was "preparing to work in Laos", and confidently said: "After arriving in Laos, there are elder brothers and brothers who have made a lot of money and can work in China for several years after working for a year."

  The police immediately reviewed his materials and inquired about his situation.

"You go abroad to work, do your parents know? Can you take care of yourself? Does the language work? Do you understand the non-essential non-going policy?"

  Faced with a series of "soul torture", the young man was emotional and contradicted himself in answering questions.

He finally confessed that in order to "work abroad" abroad, he bought all kinds of certificates from the Internet!

  Under the patient communication and persuasion of the police, the guy finally realized that there were many hidden dangers in his illegal "work" abroad, and took the initiative to give up his passport application.

  "Overseas gold rush dream" sounds very good.

But behind the seemingly prosperous, there are often traps hidden one after another.

  So please keep your eyes open!

Don't let the bad guys have a chance...

High-paying and high-paying advertising, don't believe it!

  "No technology, no education, easy work, 40,000 a month..."

  "The monthly salary is more than 10,000, including food, accommodation, and air tickets, as well as rental subsidies and food subsidies."


  A piece of tempting recruitment information is very exciting.

  "The income is high, it's much more comfortable than working hard in the country." Such an advertisement moved the woman Qi.

She came to the local immigration department to go through the formalities of going abroad for work. When the police checked her information, they found that there were many loopholes.

Not only the dispatch letter and the labor contract are not the same domestic labor unit, but even the official seal on the document is fake...

Data map: The police handling the case counted the property involved in the case.

(Photo by Hu Chuanlin)

  Coincidentally, after the man Wang registered his personal job application information on the Internet, he was contacted by an overseas phone call, saying that “all kinds of materials can be provided to make money abroad.” Wang agreed and took the materials to go through the procedures for going abroad, but the police found that The documents provided by the other party were full of doubts. Not only was the content of the form incomplete, and it was not a formal labor contract, Wang also knew nothing about what he would do after going abroad... Fortunately, he found out in time and regretted it in time.

  According to relevant personnel from the public security department, most lawbreakers publish false overseas recruitment advertisements through online social platforms. "High salaries" and "high returns" are generally the focus of their propaganda, and there are not a few people who are deceived.

Irregular intermediary, ignore it!

  "You need to apply for a permit to go abroad to work, you pay 20,000 yuan first."

  "The money for visas and skilled workers' certificates is calculated separately. In the next year, hundreds of thousands, still care about 20,000?"

  "The procedures have not been completed yet, you will wait a few more months..."

  The People's Court of Decheng District, Dezhou City, Shandong Province recently heard a case in which a fake intermediary defrauded others to obtain money.

Data map: The police present to the passengers mineral water printed with anti-fraud formulas.

Photo by Wei Shizhao

  It turned out that all the victims heard that a certain unit had a “high salary and good welfare” project to work abroad, hoping to take the opportunity to go abroad to make a lot of money, so they found the person in charge of the project (the defendant) and paid various fees.

  As everyone knows, this is a complete scam from beginning to end. There are no items at all, and the fees collected are used by crooks to repay loans, buy lottery tickets and other personal consumption.

  Usually, fake intermediaries take advantage of people's eagerness to go abroad to make money, but they do not understand the relevant laws and procedures to defraud various expenses such as high "introduction fees" and "deposits for going abroad.

When the money got into the hands of the scammers, they procrastinated for various reasons, and even finally disappeared.

Illegal and criminal activities, don't do it!

  Usually, under the temptation of high returns, some people take the risk and come to the dream "overseas gold rush" through illegal means such as smuggling and forging documents, looking forward to the glory of life.

  However, what awaits them is likely to be forced to engage in illegal and criminal activities such as telecommunications network fraud and gambling.

Once you refuse or fail to complete the "performance", you will suffer cruel physical torture and even life-threatening.

  Recently, the Cambodian police successfully rescued two Chinese citizens who were illegally detained.

  According to the two people's self-report, because they saw "high-paying" job advertisements on the Internet, the two people contacted the recruiter after their hearts, and then came to Cambodia and successfully joined the job.

But I didn't realize that this is an illegal online gambling company that not only works intensively every day, but also works under surveillance all day long.

When they were unbearable and asked to resign, they were detained by the company and demanded to pay high "indemnities."

During the period, the two people were tortured many times and suffered various tortures.

Data map: An extremely large cross-border online gambling criminal gang case cracked by the police in Nanfang County, Nanchong City, Sichuan Province.

Photo courtesy of the Public Security Bureau of Nanbu County, Sichuan

  At the end of 2020, Guangxi police also arrested a criminal organization in the country.

It is reported that the organization has set up dens in Cambodia, Myanmar and other places, using high remuneration as an excuse to lure and organize a large number of Chinese citizens to smuggle abroad. It also colludes with local armed forces to restrict the personal freedom of those defrauded to leave the country, and coerces and lures them to engage in " Illegal and criminal activities such as "killing pigs" and naked chats, extortion and extortion.

  Confiscation of mobile phone ID cards, loss of personal freedom, work 12 hours a day, close supervision by special personnel, beatings if you fail to achieve performance, and you will be beaten if you want to escape... Not only did the legendary "high salary and high pay" fail to earn money, but also often suffered severe beatings. , I want to go home and cannot go back, this is the real nightmare.

Keep in mind the traps of overseas migrant workers!

  A thousand days at home is good, but everything is hard to go out.

Select the project of working abroad, Xiaoqiao reminds you:

  1. Be sure to obtain employment information through formal channels.

Be vigilant about relevant information that is disseminated through the Internet or WeChat Moments and other network channels and introduced by acquaintances.

  2. Finding a formal and legally qualified intermediary company to go through the formalities is a prerequisite and guarantee for working abroad.

The easiest operation is to check the other party’s business license to see if there is any "external service" item.

  3. Understand the types of visas and obtain work visas for relevant countries before going abroad to avoid illegal employment.

Although you can enter other countries with tourist and business visas, they are not proof of legal work. Holding these visas to work overseas is just "breaking illegal work."

  4. Both parties must sign a formal written contract to protect the rights and interests of both parties in accordance with the law.

If labor disputes arise, both parties shall actively negotiate and resolve them or resolve them through judicial channels, and protect their rights rationally in accordance with the law.

  5. Understand the employer’s business qualifications and actual business conditions.

Clarify the specific work you will be engaged in after going abroad, and don't trust the intermediary publicity, so as not to be deceived.

  6. Properly keep personal identity documents, and do not leave them to others to keep them in order to avoid restrictions on their movements.

Keep copies of relevant certificates in case of emergency.

  At the time when the epidemic is complex and changeable, relevant state departments have also repeatedly issued reminders to avoid leaving the country for non-essential and non-emergency reasons, and to protect personal safety and health.

At the same time, those who go abroad to engage in cross-border gambling, telecommunications network fraud and other illegal and criminal activities will be severely punished according to law once they are investigated and punished.

  In the end, Xiao Qiao nags a lot, there will be no pie in the sky, any gain is exchanged for hard work, and the delusion of a shortcut to get rich can only be nothing in the end!

  (Source: China News, Workers' Daily, The Paper, etc.; Author: Wang Qin; ID: qiaowangzhongguo)