
Neuruppin (dpa / bb) - Trichinae have been found in a wild boar killed in the Ostprignitz-Ruppin district.

The Federal Institute for Risk Assessment confirmed the finding, as the district announced on Thursday.

People can get what is known as trichinella from eating raw meat containing trichinella.

This is a rare but in individual cases potentially fatal infectious disease.

In order to avoid infection of humans, an examination of hunted wild boars for trichinae is required by law.

According to the information it was in this case to trichinae of the species Trichinella spiralis.

A specialist company disposed of the carcass, it said.

The wild boar is said to have been shot a good week ago near Radensleben, a district of Neuruppin.

The last trichina was found in Ostprignitz-Ruppin about a year ago.

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Press release from the district

Robert Koch Institute on trichinella