According to data released by Indian officials on May 5, in the past 24 hours, India has newly confirmed 382,315 cases, a total of 20,665,148 confirmed cases, and a total of 226,188 deaths.

The number of newly diagnosed new crown cases in India in a single day has remained above 300,000 for 14 consecutive days, and the number of deaths in a single day has reached a record high.

Rahul Gandhi, leader of the Indian National Congress Party, criticized the Indian government for “inaction” on the 4th, calling for a complete blockade to be the only way to prevent the spread of new crown pneumonia.

  However, Indian media reports believe that Indian Prime Minister Modi is reluctant to implement a national blockade again due to concerns about economic impact.

At present, its government is exploring more measures to alleviate the serious shortage of medical oxygen in the country, including the establishment of temporary new crown care centers with support facilities near the oxygen plant, and the establishment of about 1,500 oxygen plants across the country. The existing nitrogen plant is transformed into an oxygen plant, etc.

(Producing Wu Rui)

Editor in charge: [Lu Yan]