
Dresden (dpa) - Physics professor Karl Leo from the Technical University of Dresden (TUD) is nominated for the European Inventor Award 2021 in the "Lifetime Achievement" category.

The European Patent Office (EPA) is honoring his pioneering work in the field of organic semiconductors, which led to the development of highly efficient organic light-emitting diodes (OLED), organic solar cells and organic transistors, as the university announced on Tuesday.

In the meantime, they have ensured improved image brightness, color resolution and energy efficiency in the latest models of smartphones, TV screens and other electronic devices around the world.

Leo is director of the Institute for Applied Physics (IAP) and founder of the Dresden Integrated Center for Applied Physics and Photonic Materials (IAPP) at TU Dresden.

In 1998 he and his team first produced an organic semiconductor LED (OLED), which was many times more efficient, more sustainable and had a longer lifespan than its inorganic counterpart.

The 60-year-old received the Leibniz Prize in 2002, the Federal President's Future Prize in 2011 and, in April 2021, the first German scientist to receive the Jan Rajchmann Prize from the US Society for Information Display (SID).

The European Inventor Award, one of the most prestigious innovation awards in Europe, has been awarded since 2006.

The award ceremony is planned for June 17th - digitally for the first time.


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