The County Administrative Board is investing almost SEK 130,000 in the divers' work.

- Ghost yarn is a problem.

They get stuck on the seabed and continue fishing.

Seals, birds and fish can be caught in net meshes and die, says Jonas Gustafsson, marine biologist at the county administrative board's water unit.

Jonny Magnusson, active diver in the club Delfinen, is one of those who usually hunt ghost nets.

He also documents the work with his underwater camera.

He is happy about the county administrative board's support - but points out that it is a drop in the ocean.

- It would cost at least 15 million to get rid of everything on the Swedish side of the Sound, he estimates.

No one takes responsibility for the ghost nets

But the county administrative board cannot contribute that much money.

- There are several authorities involved in the marine environment but no one is responsible for removing ghost nets.

I would like to see that question could lie with the county administrative board if we were given the responsibility and the money, says Jonas Gustafsson.

- It is sad that it should depend on non-profit forces.

But we are happy that the divers exist.

In the video above, Jonny Magnusson tells more about the hunt for ghost nets - and what they do.