In his first policy speech in Congress, President Biden of the United States announced that he would pursue a policy of emphasizing the middle class and working to reduce disparities.

He also emphasized the importance of democracy against China's leadership system as tyranny, and appealed that it would "win the competition in the 21st century."

On the 28th, President Biden made his first policy speech at a joint session of the House of Representatives and the House of Representatives before the 100th anniversary of his inauguration.

In a speech that lasted more than an hour, he first said, "America has begun to move again in 100 days now," and emphasized the results as there are signs of the spread of the new coronavirus and the end of the economic crisis.

After that, he said, "The middle class built this country."

Realization of a large-scale budget plan to support infrastructure investment that creates employment and child-rearing households, and

▽ Tax reform that increases the burden on large companies and wealthy people. We have shown a policy to work on the correction of.

In addition, the speech is serious about trying to often mentioned Xi Jinping Jintao to the "him in terms of was that it is despotism person of the China the world's most important and influential country in China. Democracy agreement I don't think we can compete with tyranny because it takes too long to get. "

"We will confront unfair trade practices that undermine American workers and industry," he said, adding that he would maintain strong military influence in the Indo-Pacific region.

In addition, referring to the January Capitol invasion and domestic division, "We must prove that democracy still works. A tyrannical state can win the future. No. America wins. With light and hope, it inspires new power and determination to win the competition in the 21st century. "

In his speech, President Biden repeatedly called on the opposition and Republicans to cooperate across parties, but the Republican leader of the House of Representatives, Whip McCarthy, told Twitter about the speech, "Isn't it all just an email?" It is expected that it will be difficult for the administration to manage the administration in the future.