The Hunting Act and the Hunting Ordinance mean that the assignment ends up with the Police Authority.

- Usually we handle animals, game, in this way.

Actually, the only difference is that this is a very large animal, says Linus Vandrevik.

There are many actors involved in the fate of the election and the work of bringing it ashore.

Those who cooperate with the police include the county administrative board, Mörbylånga municipality, landowners, private contractors and experts.

The bill ends up with the wildlife conservation fund

It is a private player that will try to pull up the approximately 15-tonne choice.

On the spot, they get advice from experts.

- It is very difficult to predict what will happen to the election once we start dealing with it.

They hope to be able to get started with the work after the weekend.

The bill for the major operation lands with the Wildlife Conservation Fund, which is handled by the Chamber of Deputies.

In the clip above, you hear Kalmar's local police chief Linus Vandrevik talk about the work of removing the elections
