At a time when some Arab countries were busy making a new enemy, after the success of the military coup against former President Mohamed Morsi in June 2013 AD, another process was being carried out very calmly to dismantle another enemy and recreate it again as a friend, and the enemy that was created was " The Muslim Brotherhood, "As for the enemy that was dismantled and turned into a friend, it is the Zionist entity, the eternal enemy of the Arab and Islamic nation as long as it occupies the state of Palestine."

How did this happen?


Was there a relationship between the two processes?

Will this industry ultimately achieve its goals?

The process of creating the enemy began coinciding with the stage of preparing the conditions for the military coup in Egypt, to transform the Muslim Brotherhood, from a national group exercising its constitutional political right, to a terrorist organization that pursued locally, regionally and internationally, and the most threatening to the security and stability of the Arab region.

For many reasons, empires, states, and various entities are keen to make an enemy for themselves, and if this enemy is not present, they work to find it, and the enemy may be external or internal, and it may be a neighboring or non-neighboring country, and the enemy may be a religion, sect, idea, value, or behavior. It may be a drug or a disease, it can be real, made up, or fake.

Enemy industry

After the collapse of the Arab nationalist and communist movements, the Muslim Brotherhood took the lead over other political forces, in many Arab countries that allowed it to advocate and political activity, such as Jordan, Egypt, Kuwait, Morocco, Algeria, Sudan and Yemen, and after the success of the military coup led by Lieutenant General Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi in Egypt, the president of the coup faced several internal and external challenges. On the domestic level, democracy was still in its first year, and the people were still living in the atmosphere of the slogans of the January 2011 revolution, among them "the people and the army are one hand."The state was suffering a lot from economic and development crises, due to the collapsing legacy it received from the regime of former President Hosni Mubarak, in addition to the fact that the Muslim Brotherhood had many scientific and social achievements in Egypt, and the January 2011 revolution showed the size of the presence of the Muslim Brotherhood And the human crowd that they carried out, which may lead to a bloody confrontation in which hundreds or thousands of victims will be killed.

As for externally, the world was amazed at the people's success in bringing about this peaceful change of power, and watching the Egyptian people establish their own democratic system for the first time in its history. Western countries are supposed to support and defend this nascent democracy, in addition to the fact that the Muslim Brotherhood outside Egypt has organizational extensions in Most of the countries of the world have a political, social and civil presence that cannot be underestimated, especially in light of the atmosphere that prevailed at that time in the wake of what is known as the "Arab Spring".

Industry stages

It was necessary for the head of the coup to have a plan that would help him face these challenges, assisted by the internal and external parties keen to remove the Muslim Brotherhood from the political scene in Egypt in particular, and in other countries in general, so the process of creating the enemy began in conjunction with the stage of preparing the conditions for the coup. To transform the Muslim Brotherhood from a national group exercising its constitutional political right to a terrorist organization that is hunted down locally, regionally and internationally.

This industry has passed through several gradual stages, including:


such as phishing mistakes, promoting failure and negligence in serving the people, and disseminating false information, data and reports contrary to what they are.


about national belonging and loyalty to Egypt, entering into suspicious relationships, the sincerity of religious commitment, and spreading offensive rumors to the group and its members.


Gradually, accusing them of terrorizing citizens, then committing acts of violence and crimes punishable by law, then possession of unlicensed weapons, and then committing murder.


accusing them of high treason, working for foreign parties, conspiring against the state and threatening stability and security.

Supporting terrorism: by

accusing them of communicating with banned terrorist organizations and carrying out terrorist activities.


inflating the image of the Muslim Brotherhood after they are considered the greatest danger that threatens the stability and security of the state, and causes all its crises and problems, and by eliminating it, these threats, crises and problems will be eliminated.


expanding the circle of hostility against them, by means of other Arab countries taking the same position against them, issuing similar statements after them as a terrorist group, confiscating their institutions and all their property, and enacting legislation that criminalizes everyone who belongs to them or cooperates with them in any way, and then calls on the international community to support the move. And the designation of the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization.

The military coup in Egypt, and the countries that support it, harnessed all the energies belonging to them and around them to launch continuous campaigns - on occasion and without occasion - against the Muslim Brotherhood, and among these energies: ministers, agents, Sharia scholars, media professionals, artists, academics, experts, consultants, directors of organizations and bodies, and others who are going on. In the orbit of the system.

Rather, the matter has reached the point where participation in these campaigns is a patriotic duty that should not be left behind, and everyone who distanced himself from this is far from the red carpet, and all platforms and communication channels are prevented from him.

Not only this, the matter has reached its full extent, by warning the Muslim Brotherhood in educational curricula, by circulating to the preachers of the pulpits to warn them and to publicizing their danger to society, and to holding workshops and seminars for youth and community cadres, to introduce the Muslim Brotherhood and their methods and their danger to the state, society and individuals, and to warn them, their thought and who Contacting them or communicating with them for any reason, in addition to separating all preachers, professors and teachers just because of the suspicion of the relationship with the Muslim Brotherhood, as they - according to what is being made - the biggest enemy that threatens the stability and security of the state.

These actions were placed on top of the country's priorities, plans were drawn up, financial resources were devoted, and the necessary capabilities were invested to ensure their success, and this means the success of the regime and the states that support it, in making the enemy in a way that achieves their goals of making it.

Enemy industry targets

  • Given the internal and external challenges that accompanied the military coup in Egypt, the new regime and its allies turned the Muslim Brotherhood into a regional - or even international - terrorist enemy that threatens the stability and security of the countries of the region, and that concerted efforts must be made to eliminate this enemy, with the aim of achieving A number of goals, on top of which:

  • Finding a local, regional and international justification for the removal and elimination of the Muslim Brotherhood, and the ensuing violations and abuses that are inconsistent with international law, and are condoned if they are part of the war on terror.

  • Convincing the people that the regime came to save them from the real enemy who wants to increase their lives misery, bring them misfortunes and backwardness, destabilize them, and plant extremism and terrorism among them.

  • Increasing people's support for a regime that will rid them of constant fear and anxiety due to the presence of this dangerous enemy.

  • Finding a peg to suspend the failure of the system, regardless of the type of this failure, its causes, and the parties behind it, it is always because of this enemy.

  • The people's acceptance of the sacrifices it makes, and the suffering it suffers in all fields, under the pretext that the state is going through a sensitive phase and is fighting a fierce enemy.

  • The people believe in the information and reports that the regime transmits to them about their projects, achievements, and victories over the enemy, and the imminence of their elimination.

  • Enabling the regime to continuously mobilize public opinion in the face of the enemy, to provide what this confrontation needs in terms of sacrifices, capabilities and sacrifices, and to support all the violations that the regime does against this enemy, and everyone who has anything to do with it.

  • Distracting public opinion from the system’s failures and mistakes in managing government, its neglect of the people's right, and diverting it from its political, military, financial, legislative and constitutional excesses.

  • Justifying all the legislative, social, cultural and intellectual changes that the system makes

Unfortunately, this industry has gone on for more than 8 years without stopping, and one of its results has thrown a number of countries in the region into bloody civil conflicts that have killed hundreds of thousands of dead and wounded, and millions of displaced people, in Libya, Yemen and Syria, and its ghost continues to loom over countries. Other we ask God Almighty to deliver it from him. (Follow..)